Chapeter 10

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I wake up the next day with a terrible headache. I moan and rub my head, trying to relieve the pain. Oomph! I'm suddenly lying on the floor, wide awake. I laugh, but that quickly turns into a groan. I stagger downstairs, clutching my head.
"Morning dad." I murmur. I collapse on a chair and lay my head on the freezing cold counter.
"Morning, Chanelle, everything all right?" He asks me, pushing a cup of coffee into my hand. I sip it gratefully.
"Yeah, I just have a crazy headache." I tell him.
"Oh no, well, unfortunately you'll need to go to school, I have a very important meeting today and I can't leave you hear all alone. Rosie, Mary and Bella aren't coming today, neither is Ted, Gary or Bill. Sorry darling." He says apologetic. I groan and put my head back on the table. He pushes a plate of toast towards me. I eat it as quickly as possible, do my hair in a messy plait and go back downstairs. I open the medicine cabinet and drink a Panado. Grabbing my bag, I quickly open the door. I walk to the bus stop and flop down on the bench. In about 3 minutes the bus arrives. I hurriedly sit down. We get to school in about ten minutes. I walk towards my locker and see that there is a corner of a photo or note in my locker. It's probably just Sam saying sorry that he had to leave early. I grin and open my locker to get it out. No, no, no, no, no. My stomach turns into a know when I see what is the photo. It's a photo of me sitting on my moms lap in the hospital, crying, with red writing over it saying, "Mommy's little girl!" I make it to the bathroom just in time. I vomit all my breakfast and coffee into the toilet. I groan, my headache five times worse now. I decide to go to my register class to tell Miss Peterson. As soon as I walk into class, a round of giggles erupt. I see that the classes walls are also graffitied with that same photo, some enlarged and some smaller. My mouth goes dry as I see these. A ball of fury gathers in my stomach. Sam. Who else? Who else knew I was at the hospital, who else was there? I walk up to Sam.
"Chanelle, what's going on?" He asks me. I grunt.
"Acting all innocent now, are you?" I say.
"What, Chanelle, what are talking about?" He asks me, confused.
"This, the whole, 'Mommy's little girl', you know!" I say, angrily gesturing to the posters.
"Chanelle, that wasn't me!" He shouts, slamming his hand on his desk. Children have started to gather around us.
"Well, no one but you knew I was in the hospital! You were waiting in the waiting room! You could've easily slipped into the room, taken the photo, then left, saying that there was an emergency." I shout, losing my temper.
"No! Chanelle! The building was almost completely flooded! One of the workers left the tap on! The building could've collapsed! I'm not lying!" He screams, pulling at his hair.
"Well, now I know why I hated you so much before. Liar." I say bitterly, grabbing my backpack. I storm out of the classroom. As soon as I reach the corridor, I  break into a run, tears streaming down my face now. I hear Sam behind me. I take a right turn and run into the girls bathroom.
"Chanelle! Come out!" Sam shouts through the door.
"Go away!" I shout back, wiping away my tears.
"No, Chanelle, we're friends! Please, I'm coming into the bathroom in five, four, three, two, one!" He says. I hear the bathroom door open. Thank goodness I'm locked in a cubicle.
"I promise I didn't do it!" He tells me again.
"Sam, go away before I get really angry." I warn him, my voice shaking.
"Ok, fine, I'm going. Bye. But I didn't do it!" He says, slamming the bathroom door behind him. I count to one hundred twice, and unlock the door. I walk to the secretary and tell her to please phone my dad and tell him I'm not feeling well. The phone goes straight to voice mail.
"Hello, this is Thomas Rothwell, I'm busy at the moment, I'll call you back as soon as possible! Cheerio!" His voice chimes.
"Sorry lovey, but I think you'll have to crash in the sick room for now. I'll lead you." She says, standing up.
"Thank you so much." I say, following her. As soon as I get there, I flip down on the bed.
"Thank you ma'am." I say.
"Oh sweetheart. I hope you feel better!"she says, switching off the light. I crawl into the bed, kicking off my shoes. I try to sleep, but I'm struggling. I moan, thinking of the posters. If Sam claims he didn't do it, who did? There's no reasonable explanation other than Sam doing it. I turn onto my back and stare at the ceiling. Ella hates me, but what would she be doing at the hospital on a Saturday afternoon? There was someone else in the ward, but what are the chances that it was her? One in a thousand, I guess. The other children in my class wouldn't be that cruel, though Bryce has been very cold towards me lately. I think it's because I'm hanging out with Sam, to be honest. Hanging out with Sam has ruined everything. My relationship with Ella, Bryce, Jessica and basically everyone else. I am certain that it's Sam, but I can't be entirely sure. One thing I know, is that I will not rest until I find out who did it. Untrue to my word, I dose off shortly after that.

Hi all!
Hope you're all enjoying
my book! Please help spread
my book! Thanks a bunch for
all you're support! I might not
be able to write a lot, cause exams
are coming up🙈🙈🙈 thank you all
Bye for now!👋🏻👋🏻

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