Chapter 2

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"What about this one?" Ella asks me, walking out of my walk-in closet. We've spent the last hour or so busy deciding what to wear. She's wearing a floral mini dress, with black pumps.
"I like it, maybe add a leather jacket, it'll bring out the floral." I tell her, passing my jacket to her.
"Thanks Chanelle!" She exclaims. "Your turn!" She shouts, pushing me into the closet, while stuffing bags into my hands. I decide to put on an emerald green skirt, with a white shirt. I top it off with a black cardigan and white pumps.
"How about this?" I ask her, twirling out the closet. I collapse on the bed, having a laughing fit.
"Maybe," she tells me, "although, let's go through all the possibilities first. Say cheese!" She yells, snapping a photo of me. I go back into the closet and choose a black mini dress and black pumps. "And?"I ask her, waiting for her to critic me.
"That's it!" She shouts, jumping up and down. "That's it, that's it!!"
"What?" I ask her. "Must I wear this?" I look in the mirror. Wow! I'm almost blown away by my reflection. I look striking in the dress, which is topped off with lace. It suits my green eyes and matches my hair.
"Wow, this is.. just.. wow," Ella breathes, staring at my reflection.

Ben took us to Bruce's party in our Ferrari.
"Okay, so what time must I be back to pick you up?" He asked us.
"Round about 12ish." I tell him. "Thanks Ben." We make our way to the front door, when Bryce comes charging out with David, his best friend.
"Chanelle! Ella! Good to see you two!" He yells, quickly embracing us both. We giggle and follow him to the basement. Wow!!
"The basement looks amazing, Bryce!!" Ella and I squeal. It has black and white fabric draped across the walls, a dance floor and his own personal D.J. He has a table with snacks and punch on it. Ella immediately drags me to the dance floor, already taking off her shoes. I laugh and follow her. We spend a good 2 hours laughing and dancing, when Bryce brings out his cake. It is a 3 layer black-and-white cake, with little footballs all over it. I roll my eyes and smile. So typical of Bryce to have football on everything.
"Bryce, that's incredible!" Ella exclaims, fanning herself with a napkin. "Who made it?"
"Our personal cook made it Ella, just for you." He says, winking at her. She giggles and winks back. I get a funny feeling. I guess I always thought Bryce liked me, but I don't like all this flirting with Ella. I promise myself to dance with him, at least once, before his party ends. We all sing happy birthday to him, slightly off key, and eat the cake. It is a delicious chocolate sponge cake. We all are heading back to the dance floor, when a slow song starts playing. I grab Bryce's arm and head down to the dance floor. We are slow dancing, when he whispers in my ear,"Remember in kindergarten, when I first saw you?" He asks me. I giggle, of course I remember! That was the day he poured sand all over me, and got me so worked up I started crying. Only Brittney, my little sister, can do that. "Well, the only reason I did that was because I liked you," he confesses, "I never stopped." He says, even though the lighting isn't good, I can see his blush. I touch his cheek and say, "Bryce, I also liked you, ever since grade 1 started, ever since we were 7." I tell him. It feels good to come clean. I've always been aware of Ella's crush, but that didn't stop me. He smiles widely and wants to whisper something in my ear, when Ella grabs me from behind, and drags me away. I give him an apologetic smile as I'm dragged away.
"What are you doing?" Ella hisses. I shrug, trying to keep it cool.
"I don't know what you are talking about about." I say. I hope I'm not blushing.
"That whole thing with Bryce, you know what I'm talking about!" She gives me a pointed look. "Ella, we were talking and he wanted to tell me something." I breathe. I do not want her finding out about my, or Bryce's, feelings for each other.
"You know what, lets just go home, I'm not feeling well." Ella says. I grab my bag and pumps, getting out my phone while searching for Bens number.
"Hi, Ben, Ella's not feeling well, can you come pick us up?" I ask him. I look across the room, and see Ella talking to Bryce while twirling her hair around her finger.
"Please hurry Ben." I tell him. I end the call, and waltz down to the dance floor.
"Hi, Bryce." I say to him, fighting my blush when I look at him "Ella was just telling me she wasn't feeling well, so I called Ben, our chauffeur, to come fetch us." I say, Ella is staring daggers at me for ruining this moment, whatever it was. Bryce looks at me and smiles again. "Thanks for the awesome party!" I say, giving him a winning smile. Ella quickly says she need the bathroom before we go. Bryce looks at me, questioning. "What was all that about Ella?" He asks me.
"What do you mean?" I reply,
"You know what. What was she doing?" He asks me, more firmly. I shake my head, "That, I'm afraid, is beyond the question." I tell him. Ben calls me to say he's waiting outside. Ella is with her back to me, talking to David, so I risk a quick hug. "Thank you so much for the party." I tell him. Ella and I are just out of earshot, when she loads up on questions. "What was that with Bryce? Who do you think you are? Have you forgotten about my crush, about the rest of my life?? Just remember that I have planned Bryce and my wedding, so you better not like him!" She tells me, poking my shoulder. She's got me pinned up against the wall. "Ella get off me!!" I yell, careful not to draw any attention to us. Ella moves backwards, only to rip off a part of my dress. I gasp, and turn away so she won't see the tears in my eyes. We walk to the car, silently. We are driving down New York State route 5, when all I can remember is a flash, and the loud screech of brakes against the tar.

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