Chapter 8

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"Mom?" I whimper. Why is she lying on the floor? What happened? I run back upstairs and grab my phone. Quickly, I dial 911.
"Hello, What is your emergency? They ask me.
"Well, I was upstairs busying phoning someone then when I came downstairs I saw my mom lying on the floor in-in-in a pool of b-b-blood." I break into a sob and cover my mouth.
"We'll be here as soon as possible. Where do you live?" He asks me. I think about this for a second.
"We live in 290 Further Lane, East Hampton. Please hurry!" I cry. I don't want my mom to die, we just started getting along.
"Right ma'am, we'll be there in a jiffy." He tells me reassuringly. He ends the call. I take a photo of my mom so I can show them how much blood was around her, grab a couple of tea towels then get to work. I mop up more than half of the blood within ten minutes. They still haven't arrived yet. The nearest police station is probably half and hour away, and there is always traffic here. In another five minutes I've mopped up all the blood, and finished my moms tea towels.
"Mom," I whisper, "please be ok, I can't lose you, I can't!" I start sobbing quietly. My dad has been informed and so has Brittney at her ballet, but they both decided to quickly finish there, then they will come home. So, for now, I'm all alone. I could phone Sam, but I decide against it. I'll phone him in the emergency room. I kneel down next to my mom, moving her arm a bit, and lie down next to her. I drape her arm across my middle section and snuggle up against her. I'm still lying this way ten minutes later when the emergency people arrive. They pound on the door, shouting,
"Hello, it's the emergency people, open up!"
"Coming!" I yell back. I stand up, wipe my tears away, and walk shakily to the door. I yank it open and usher them inside.
"Follow me, quickly!" I say, starting to panic again. What if my mom is damaged worse than what I think? How will I live with myself? I should have had my phone downstairs with me.
"Ma'am, where is all the blood?" They asked me confused.
"Oh, I cleaned it all up, I wanted something to do, I couldn't just sit here and do nothing. But I did take a photo." I tell them, fumbling in my pocket for my phone. I take it out, my hands shaking, press my finger to the home button and get the photo for them.
"Wow, that's a lot of blood, I'm proud of you for taking a photo, then cleaning it up. That must take some guts!" He tells me. "I couldn't STAND the sight of blood when I first became a doctor." He continues rambling on until Billy puts an end to it.
"Kevin!  Stop talking! She still has a pulse but we'll need to take her to the hospital." He explains to me. I take a deep breath.
"Great, lets go, I'll get my moms pajamas and my coat." I tell them. I sprint upstairs, grab my book and coat, race to her room and run into her closet, frantically looking for her pajamas. There! I snatch her humming bird pjs and sprint down to the medics, Kevin and Billy. They had already loaded her into the ambulance. I feel so excited! I have never driven in an ambulance, Well, not that I know of. We get there in under twenty minutes. They race out with mom through the emergency room. I linger behind, not sure what to do. I start by phoning my dad and tell him that I'm in the emergency room in the Silver Mist hospital. After that a phone my sister and tell her that dad will pick her up in five minutes, he's on his way. Then I phone Sam.
"Hi Chanelle." He says.
"Hi, um, Sam, well, when I went downstairs after I had phoned you, I found my mom lying on the floor in a pool of blood. I'm in the emergency room right now, in the Silver Mist hospital." I explain.
"Oh Chanelle! I'm on my way, stay there, I'll be there in half an hour! Stay strong!" He ends the call before I can protest. My heart swells with gratitude. I sit down, open my book and try to concentrate but I can't. I check the time and see that it's 3:27. I sigh and lie down on the couch.
"Chanelle!" Screams my sister.
"What?" I moan, sitting up and rubbing my eyes.
"You were sleeping!" She tells me. I can see my dad standing awkwardly behind her.
"Oh, Brittney." I say as she collapses down next to me, head in her hands.
"Chanelle, how did you cope?" Asks my dad.
"Well, I wiped up all the blood and was pretty calm." I answer, rubbing Brittney's back.
"Good." He says, perching on the edge of an armchair. I look down and find that I'm finally able to concentrate on my book.
"Chanelle!" I hear someone shout. I look up and see Sam and his mom running towards us.
"Hey!" I say, standing up.
"Oh darling, are you all right?" Gabby asks me, hugging me tightly.
"Yeah, I'm fine." I tell her, breaking loose.
"Hem hem." Goes my dad, pretending to cough.
"Oh, right, Gabby, dad, dad, Gabby." I say, introducing them. They shake hands and start talking.
"Hi." Says Sam, giving me a side ways hug. I see him glancing at Brittney, confused.
"Oh, this is Brittney, my little sister." I tell him, patting Brittneys head.
"I'm not that little! I'm ten!" She exclaims, pushing my hand away. Sam and I laugh.
"Oh, and Brittney, this is Sam." I tell her.
"Oh, right." She says, rolling her eyes. Sam and I laugh again. We sit down on the couch, Brittney leaning against me, and me sitting next to Sam. We sit like this for about five minutes, the only noise is the constant mumble of our parents. Sam starts asking Brittney about her ballet, and explains how his half sister also does ballet. I sit in the middle of them in complete silence.
"Hello, if the Rothwell family would like to see Elizabeth Rothwell, please make your way to the door that says ENTRANCE on it. Thank you." Booms a voice over the loud speaker.
"Well, that's us, we'll be back soon. See you later, it was nice meeting you." Says my father, shaking Gabby's hand again. I hug Sam, the Brittney and I follow my dad through the door.

Hi all! Hope you are all still enjoying my book!

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