Chapter 3

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I think she will be fine, she just needs some rest.
Hey darling, we're missing you! Brittney is at school at the moment, but will come visit you later!
Who am I? The question floats around in my head. I hear a lady who I think is my mom, call me Chanelle. Chanelle. I like that name. Brittney, I'm guessing, is my sister. My dad must also come a couple of times, but I think he might work a lot because he doesn't come here often.
All these people talking to me. I try to answer them, but as much as I try, I can't. My body feels heavy, like someone replaced my blood with lead. Oh well, at least I can rest. Rest. Something I need a lot, apparently, according to the man who I think is my doctor. A girl has also visited me a couple of times. She was apologizing for something I don't remember. I think we had a fight before I went to rest. No, a coma. I remember the doctors said something about a coma. A boy with a sweet, husky voice has also visited me a couple of times. Try as I might, I can't remember him. Or anyone else for that matter. He kissed me on my forehead once. I think we had feelings for each other, but I'm still very confused. My mom comes again and strokes my arm. Up and down, up and down, up and down. I feel my arm twitch, she's hit a ticklish spot.
"Doctor!!! Doctor!!!" My mom screeches, loud enough for the people on the other side of the world to here. I feel my eyelids twitching, and I strain to open them. They flutter open for a second. I catch a glimpse of my mother. She is a tall, beautiful lady with shoulder length, curly blonde hair. She is wearing pounds of makeup and designer clothes.
"Welcome back, Chanelle!" She breaths.

The next month is a blur. All these people visiting me, reminding me of memories I can't remember. I'm flicking through the TV channels when a girl with blue eyes and blonde hair sulks into my room.
"Hey, um, how are you?" She asks me carefully, like she's picking her words very specifically. I switch off the TV and look at her, trying to remember who she is.
"Hi, sorry, I can't remember anything, but who are you again?" I ask her. I can feel my face going red. I am so embarrassed that I can't remember her.
"Um, I'm Ella." She says cautiously. "Do you seriously not remember anything?" She asks me. I shake my head sadly and motion towards my bed. "Come, sit down, I want to ask you a couple of things." She edges closer to my bed and eventually flops down. "So, who were you in my previous life?" I ask her.
She gulps. "I was your best friend." She tells me. I can see tears brimming in her eyes.
"Why are you crying if we were close?" I ask her, awkwardly rubbing her back.
"Well," she sniffles, " right before the accident, you and I, we had a fight. We were coming back from Bryce's party when a mini van smashed into your side of the car." She tells me, tears streaming down her face.
"Why were we fighting? Was it something stupid, or was it serious?" She glances at me and says.
"We fought about Bryce." She says after a few seconds.
"But, I don't understand, why were we fighting about a-a-a boy?" I ask her.
"Well, you and Bryce have always liked each other. I was an idiot to ignore the signs." She says, clenching her jaw."I think he confessed his feelings for you that night, and you agreed you also like him. He was about to kiss you when I dragged you away. I was so angry Chanelle. Actually, I still am." She says abruptly, standing up. "It was nice seeing you," she says brushing away her tears, "but I need to get going." She flips her hair and she's gone. I sink back into my bed. We were fighting?! Over a boy? It seems so silly. So childish. Well, it was most probably a very big deal at the time. I search everywhere in my mind for any memories, of sleepovers, school, friends, even the car accident. Ben, our chauffeur, died in that car accident. I wish I could mourn with my family, but how do you mourn over someone you can't remember? My bedside table is packed with chocolates, get-better-soon cards and balloons. Notes and cards from people whom I can't remember. My class sends a big card signed by everyone. I see the boys note who Ella told me about. Bryce I think. He wrote: "Dear Chanelle. Get better soon! I'll come to visit you soon, since I've been very busy with football. See ya soon!!" I skim read over the notes until my eyes are brimming with happy tears.

The next day the boy who claims he's Bryce comes to visit. The conversation is filled with awkward silences and a lot of glancing off. He tells me the class is missing me and to get better soon, then leaves after 2 minutes of us staring at random objects, trying to avoid eye contact. My doctor discharges me after a week. He tells me to take it easy, and I will be able to return to school after 2 weeks. My old class are overjoyed to see me after roughly a month. Not many children were allowed in my hospital room, since I needed my rest. I spend the next week lying on the puffy couch, binge watching all my old favourite shows on Netflix, so I have something to talk about with all my old friends. I'm in the middle of Pretty Little Liars when the doorbell rings. I stand up wobbling and hobble towards the door. I shout, "Who is it?" Picking up a candle holder.
"It's me!" A muffled voice replies,
"I don't recall knowing anyone with the name of me!" I reply, actually, I don't recall knowing anyone other than those few who were allowed to visit me.
"Oh, sorry, I should've known you wouldn't recognize my voice." The person says. Hmmm should I waste my breath talking to this unknown person or bother trying to find out who it is. I slowly unlock the door, keeping the burglar chain on, and cautiously open the door, the candle holder raised above my head.
"SURPRISE!!!" A group of children shout, throwing confetti and streamers at me.

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