Under The Weather

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Camila woke up Sunday morning feeling a bit groggy because of her bad play date the previous day. Lauren however was still sound asleep next to her. Camila really hated to have to wake Lauren up so early, but Camila wasn't feeling too good and needed her right away. Camila then started to tug at Lauren as an attempt to wake her up. Lauren did not feel like waking up so she decided to ignore Camila tugging at her.

"Lauren wake up!" Yelled Camila while still tugging at Lauren to wake her up.

Lauren sighed and rolled over to her other side feeling annoyed and continued to ignore Camila.

"Lauuuurrreennn!" Whined Camila once more.

Lauren still kept her eyes closed and continued to ignore Camila some more. Lauren just wanted to sleep in some more.

"Mommy wake up! Mommy! Mommy!" Yelled Camila while tugging lightly at Lauren's hair this time.

Lauren still continued to ignore Camila, and Camila was getting annoyed. At this point Camila decided to throw a baby fit. Maybe that would get Lauren's attention and wake her up.

"Whhhaaaaa! whhhhaaaa! I WANT MOMMY!" Screamed Camila throwing a tantrum on the bed next to Lauren.

Lauren finally got annoyed with Camila's tantrum and couldn't take it anymore.

"I'M UP! I'M UP NOW! WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT CAMILA!" Yelled Lauren as she jumped up out of bed still half asleep. It was only 6:30AM on a Sunday for goodness sake.

"I don't feel good mama. My stomach hurts." Cried Camila.

"Awwww, I'm sorry I didn't get up faster. I'm sorry for yelling at you baby. I'll make you all better." Cooed Lauren while lightly rubbing Camila's back.

"It's ok Lauren. Just make me feel better right now. I feel like shit." Said Camila feeling a little better now that Lauren was comforting her.

"I'll get you some Tylenol. That might help you out a little bit honey." Said Lauren as she got up and headed for the kitchen.

Lauren then filled up a spoon with liquid Tylenol and brought it over to Camila.

"Open up honey and take your medicine it will make you feel better." Cooed Lauren as she held up the spoon filled with liquid Tylenol to Camila's mouth.

Camila then opened up her mouth and took all of the medicine down.

"Good girl Camz." Said Lauren while getting in bed next to Camila and rubbing small circles on her back.

A few minutes after taking the medication Camila started to feel nauseous, and she began to squirm and cry a little bit.

"Baby what's wrong?" Asked Lauren with a concerned look on her face.

Before Camila could say anything she started vomiting all over Lauren and her bed.

"CAMILA!" Screamed Lauren as she jumped out the bed and started taking her vomit covered shirt off.

Once Camila was done puking she started sobbing.

"I-i'm s-sorry mommy." Cried Camila.

"Oh don't worry honey. I'm not mad at you. I need to get you out of this bed though. I'm gonna have to clean the sheets, and my cloths." Explained Lauren.

"Ok...can you pick me up please?" Asked Camila.

"Sure honey." Responded Lauren as she picked up Camila and placed her on the couch in the living room.

Once Camila was settled in on the couch Lauren put her bed sheets, and her cloths in the laundry. After that Lauren put on a new outfit and walked over to the couch where Camila was sitting and gently rubbed her back.

Play With Me Please(Camren Age Play)Where stories live. Discover now