Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Deeks skidded the car to a halt outside the San Diego office. He thought about just running inside finding Fitzgerald and emptying his gun into his brain, he smiled for a second at the thought, his hand on his gun. Then he stopped. He was a police officer after all, this would make him a killer, no better than his father, this was not who he was.

He looked at the gun in his hand. Killing Fitzgerald would bring him closure, but it wouldn't make him pay for what he'd done to his little girl, it wouldn't bring back the dignity of the other child Fitzgerald had used to make him and Jordan think their daughter was dead. It wouldn't break him and more than anything that was what Deeks wanted, he wanted Simon Fitzgerald to feel as much pain and anguish he had felt since his former, teacher, lover, mentor, friend? Had come back into his life and turned it upside down. He wanted to wash away the guilt he felt about not being in his daughter's life since she was born.

He watched as Fitzgerald walked out of the NCIS offices, laughing about something with a colleague, Deeks' blood started to boil. How could he be laughing when he had caused his little girl to be lying hurt in a hospital bed?

Fitzgerald got into his car and drove right past Deeks not even noticing him. Deeks smiled a cold cruel smile and started his car and followed him.

Callen and Sam pulled into the car park just in time to see the tail lights of Deeks' car turning the corner; Kensi had stayed to protect Jordan and Ellie. Callen turned the car around, "Eric can you check, I think Deeks' car just left the San Diego offices parking lot?"

Callen could hear Eric typing on his keyboard, "Got it Callen, yeah he's following a blue Honda civic. He doesn't seem to be trying to stop…." Eric's voice stopped as Deeks' car had cut Fitzgerald's car off and had slammed it into some barriers. Eric could see on the monitor and was explaining to Callen and Sam, who were stuck in traffic, that Deeks had just climbed out of his car and pulled Fitzgerald's lifeless body out of the car and had thrown him into the back of his own car and had just driven off at speed.

Sam hit the horn in frustration; the accident Deeks had caused had resulted in a snarl up. Traffic was building all around them, "Eric keep your eye on Deeks, I need to know where he's going, let Hetty know what's going on." Callen ordered.

Eric started rattling off directions. "I know where he's going!" Eric said with a sudden burst of insight. "He's heading back to Mexico, where they held Ellie."

It was, at best, a hunch, but Callen thought that this was Deeks' probable destination so he agreed with Eric, who informed Hetty to get them the needed paperwork to get them across the border.

Deeks smiled as he looked in his mirror, Callen and Sam had been ditched and trussed up like a turkey on his back seat was one bloody and bruised Simon Fitzgerald. Deeks knew exactly where he was going, and what he was going to do and he enjoyed channeling his inner father. Pulling up at a rundown house just this side of the US/Mexican border he looked over at the unconscious body of Fitzgerald again. "Don't wake up." He snarled as he climbed out of the car.

Max Gentry looked out of his window and gave a grin at the sight of the kid he and Gordon Brandel had mentored…until he had gone straight; His greatest protégé and his greatest disappointment.

"Martin Brandel…Long time no see kid, what 'ya doing here."

"Need clear passage over the border."

"Thought you were a cop?" Max asked looking at him suspiciously.

"Not right now Uncle Max." Deeks said.

Deeks held his arms out so Max could frisk him, "So you switched sides again?" he asked handing Deeks a beer.

Deeks took a long drink, "Just for now, I can promise you this will stay between us."

Ellie MaeOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant