Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Pulling up outside the hospital Jordan was out of the car before it had even stopped.

Deeks and Kensi followed behind Kensi was a little ahead as Jordon got to the reception, "Ellie Hampton, she was brought in by LAPD?" Jordan said.

"You are?" The nurse asked.

"I'm her mother," Jordan replied looking around and seeing the two police officers, "Is she in there? Is my baby in there?" she cried walking towards the two officers.

"Ma'am?" Vikki Taylor asked, standing in between Jordan and the room where Ellie was lying peaceful.

"Is Ellie in there? Please; I'm her mother I need to see her!" Jordan begged.

"Hey Vikki, is Ellie in there?" Deeks asked walking up behind Jordan.

"Deeks, she your kid?" Taylor asked.


"What happened to her, did you do something to her?" Moreno asked darkly.

"What? NO! She was kidnapped; we thought she was dead, please…" Deeks begged.

"That explains why Bates' put us on protection duty. OK, sorry man, you know I had to ask." Moreno said.

Taylor opened the door and Jordan went in, she walked over to Ellie's bed and sat and held her hand.

Looking at Deeks with tears in her eyes she whispered, "She's alive." She was smiling as her tears fell knowing her daughter was safe and sound.

Deeks stood at the door, looking at the small child, frail and battered and asleep in the oversized hospital bed, or at least to his mind the bed looked big with her in it. Looking at her sleeping, there was no doubt in his mind that Jordan was telling the truth about her being his daughter, the way her blonde hair came down in waves about her face and the small birth mark he could see under her ear, both reminded him strongly of his mother. "Kenz, she's beautiful." Deeks whispered. Kensi grabbed his shoulder, giving it a reassuring squeeze.

"She looks just like you Marty," She smiled.

Ellie stirred and Deeks moved back to the door, Kensi shot him a look, "Where are you going,"

"I….I…er…I'm going to find a doctor." He said and backed out of the room.

Callen and Sam saw Deeks leaving the room as they walked up the corridor, "Hey Deeks, is it her?" Callen asked.

Deeks nodded, "Yeah, she's resting right now, I'm just going to see her doctor." He said.

"OK, we need to ask her some questions." Sam said.

"No…Not yet, please guys let her sleep first." Deeks begged them.

The doctor walked towards Ellie's room and Deeks caught her up, "Doc how is Ellie, really…?" he asked.

"You are?" Doctor Joan Vernon asked.

"Detective Marty Deeks LAPD, I was just wondering if she'd been hurt?" he asked.

"Well, We ran a rape kit, She hadn't been touched, so that's a blessing, but she has a fractured rib and extensive bruising, also she is dehydrated and exhausted, so we want to keep her in for a few days, just to make sure." She said. "We also checked her belongings there is a piece of paper, she was holding it tightly, and I think it may have the name of the man who took her." Joan handed him the piece of paper.

Deeks nodded looking at the paper and the doctor turned to him, "Have the parents been located?" she asked.

"Her mother is in there now." Deeks said, "I have to go and file the report, my colleagues will be around if you need anything." He said and turned to walk off to the exit.

Joan watched the man go; she was surprised how much this case had seemed to hit the young man, usually LAPD were more stoic when dealing with cases like this. Picking up Ellie Mae Hampton's file she walked into give the mother her findings and to check on her patient.

She knocked gently on the door and pushed it open she looked at the four adults in the room, the two men who had badges and must have been the other policeman's colleagues and the two women, one of them had to be the mother, but she didn't know which so she turned to the younger woman, "Hello, I'm Dr. Vernon, I'm dealing with your daughter's case."

Kensi smiled and nodded towards Jordan, "This is Dr. Hampton, Ellie's mom."

Joan smiled, "Sorry, when I talked to the officer in the corridor he didn't specify which one of you was her mother."

Callen looked up, "Where is Deeks?"

"It's ok; Miss Hampton had a piece of information on her I handed it to the detective. He said he was going back to the office,"

"I would have thought he'd want to be here?" Sam said confused.

"He asked about the girl, I gave him what information I could and then he left; I think he thought catching the man that did this was more appropriate."

"Well he's wrong, being here with his daughter is more appropriate." Sam snapped back.

"He's her father?" the doctor looked shocked, she schooled her features and turned to the mother. "Your daughter is resting now, but she wasn't violated while she was with those men, however she is severely dehydrated hence the drip."

Jordan sighed in relief, it could have been so much worse; she silently thanked God and looked again at her baby lying there sleeping. "When will she wake up?"

Joan smiled, "I can't tell you, she is exhausted and is just sleeping."

"Thank you Doctor." Jordan said and held tightly to her daughter's hand.

Callen, Sam and Kensi followed the doctor outside.

"Dr. Vernon, you said you talked to Detective Deeks can you tell me what information you gave him?"

"Of course, it was a piece of paper Miss Hampton was holding it and we could only get it out of her hand after we sedated her, all it said was Fitzg I hope that helps." She said and went on her way.

"It's that slimy agent, Simon Fitzgerald, he was asking about the case when Deeks ran out the first time, that's why I was slow to catch up to him. He had stopped Deeks on his way out of the conference room when we were questioning Jordan the first time." Kensi told them.

"You think he has something to do with this?" Sam asked.

"I don't know, but Deeks might." Callen said, "Let's get over to the San Diego Office before he does something stupid."

Deeks jumped in his car as soon as he had left the hospital, he had remembered Simon Fitzgerald as soon as he'd seen the piece of paper, the little slime ball had grabbed him as he'd left the office as Jordan had just told him he was a father, he'd tried to get information out of him but Deeks had brushed him off as nothing more than a nosey agent.

Now however, he was more than convinced, Fitzgerald had to be the agent behind this, Callen, Sam and Kensi would figure it out and then maybe interrogate him, maybe he'd go down, maybe not. In Deeks' opinion, far too many maybes. He had failed his little girl once, he wouldn't do it again. Before the others got their hands on him, Deeks was going to administer his own brand of justice, with the small part of him that was like his father. He'd seen too many bent police officers get out when dealing with members of the LAPD force, he couldn't take the chance that NCIS was the same. Not with what that 'man' had done to his daughter.

No Simon Fitzgerald was going to pay.

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