Ellie Mae

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Chapter 1: Chapter 1

Ellie Mae.

Chapter 1.


Deeks threw his bag on the ground of his class room and pulled out his advanced anatomy book, looking at it, like it was cursed. "I can't do this!" he moaned to his anatomy teacher.

Jordan Hampton smiled. She liked Marty he was quirky and fun and a promising student, she knew a little about his background and knew he was currently staying in a foster home; So he had it a bit harder than most students and his drive for a scholarship was more intense than most.

"Ok I can give you some one to one tuition time Martin; you need to promise me you will put the effort in on this."

"I need the credit to keep my GPA up so I can get into Law school, I promise I will do my best." He said his eyes sparkling as he turned a cheeky grin towards her.

She felt her heart leap, No…he was a student, granted she was 28 and ten years older than him. She shook her head and went back to drawing up a study schedule with the blond haired student.

Jordan and Deeks spent a lot of time studying for his Advanced anatomy final, Late one night they sat in the living room of Jordan's apartment, it had been easier for Deeks to go there to study that week, his latest set of Foster parents were bikers and partied till late and sleep and studying were not as important to them as the child welfare check was.

Deeks looked up as Jordan handed him a soda. "I think you're as ready as you will ever be." She said smiling at him.

"You really think so, thanks Jordan." Deeks said with a grin, taking the books off the table he dropped one and they both bent down to get it at the same time.

"I…" Jordan said lost for words. She looked into his deep blue eyes.

"Sorry, I…" Deeks looked at her and before he knew what was happening he kissed her.

"We…we can't, It's inappropriate, I'm your teacher…" Jordan said pushing herself away from him.

"Not after tomorrow." Deeks said, "My finals are tomorrow."

"Marty…I" Jordan looked at her hand which was holding his.

Deeks didn't care, he had fallen for this woman, she was his world, a little age difference didn't matter to him, she was beautiful and she spent time with him and cared about him.

He lifted his hand and grasped her neck, as his lips crashed down on hers and his hands roamed up her back.

Jordan moaned into the kiss and lost any coherent thought she had as they came together.

In the morning she awoke alone, a note on her pillow, 'Gone surfing, then finals, see you later, love Marty'.

She curled herself up into a ball, what had she done…she knew what she had done, she had slept with a student, she couldn't stay there.

Packing her essentials up she called the college and handed in her resignation, she still had her doctorate, and could still practice medicine, but she decided to go online and see if there were any positions available, there was a medical examiners position at Bethesda in Maryland…all the way across country, it would do.

Packing the last of her stuff she left a note for Marty wishing him luck saying that she was sorry she had broken his trust and what they had had together, although special was wrong and that he should not worry about her, but work hard on his studies and fulfill his potential.

When Deeks arrived back six hours later, he picked up the note off her kitchen table and sank to the floor and cried.

Present day.

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