Trying to Escape

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A/N~ Hi guys! So, this weekend, I'm going to Louisville, Kentucky for the National Archery tournament! If any of y'all are going to be in Louisville or are going to the tournament, I wanna meet you! lol.

Chapter 26-
I hear a bang. Usually, when a bullet hits a target, it makes a thud. Along with the foreign sound comes a scream. I race towards the sound and see Tris lying face forward on the ground. Blood is spewing from a gunshot in her shoulder. Michael runs to me and helps me lift her up. We cautiously run to the infirmary. I kick the double doors open. When a nurse sees Tris her eyes widen and she calls for assistance into a walkie talkie. More doctors come piling into the room. They carefully place Tris on a gurney and wheel her out of the room. A nurse with flaming red hair and wearing Chacos says to me,
"It'll be about a 4 hour process from start to finish. She should be fully recovered within the next week."
She smiles at me and walks into a room. Should I sit here for 4 hours doing nothing, or find out who shot Tris? I think the answer is obvious. I walk out of the infirmary with Michael close on my heels. I don't really know where I'm going and I try to make small talk with Michael to calm my nerves. I ask him what his favorite baseball team is and just as his is replying, I hear voices. I cut him off by whispering,
"Shhh!" And giving him "the finger"
(No not the middle finger, the silence yourself finger.)
He instantly becomes quiet and we listen in on the voices that appear to be coming from Mrs. Matthews office. I clearly recognize Jeanine's voice, but I can't distinguish the other. They are purposely masking their voice. Jeanine says,
"You were suppose to shoot her in the head, you moron! How could you screw up the plan this bad?!"
"I'm sorry! I'm not one to murder!"
"One more smart remark from you and the deal is a no-go."
I hear silence. What deal? Who is Jeanine talking to? I turn my head and see that Michael had been recording the entire conversation. I'm about to give him a thumbs up when a third, deep voice says,
"Jeanine, I just hacked into a nearby software. To be specific, a iPhone less than 15 feet from us is recording something and I'm willing to bet its us."
Jeanine kindly responds,
"Find them. Delete the recording. And beat them to a bloody pulp."
"Yes, ma'am."
I look at Michael and mouth the words 'Run'. He nods and we sprint away from our hiding spot behind the lockers. We bolt outside the building and run to the football stadium. Michael shouts to me,
"Follow me!"
I don't have a better idea, so I chase after him. Michael leads me to the supply closet directly below the stands. When we reach the door, I turn my head to see who is chasing us. A bald guy, standing at at least 6'6, is close on our tail. He looks angry, like he could literally snap a baseball bat in half. He's also huge. Even though he is insanely large, he's fast. I wouldn't be surprised if he was a NFL football player. Michael swings the door open and quickly leaps in the room. I close the door behind me and lock it. I secure the door by sliding a metal chair underneath the doorknob. I hear grunts of frustration as "The Hulk" is outside trying to break the door down. My chest rises up and down in heavy movements as I try to regain my breath. I hear the sound of snapping metal.
Ah, crap.
This guy is breaking down the door. I watch as the hinges bend and the door falls to the ground.

A/N~ I live in Texas and our archery team is taking a charter bus to Kentucky. That's like 13 hours surrounded by irritating people!😂 I'm really bored so personal message me if your going to the tournament. Also, message me something hilarious.😂

QOTC~ when is your birthday?🎉
Mines August 14😊🍰


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