4: Influential

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"So, I've asked a bit with your previous answers to her questions, and she started explaining your diagnosis to me."

"Already?" Jensen asked in amazement. Well that was quick. It's only been a night and his sister already managed to come up with an explanation. Off in the distance, Horatio executed a perfect Strike-pose: leg crossed and fingers angled perfectly.

He managed to hit 4 pins.

"She said that you had a bit of a trouble accepting change. This is backed up by that fact that you prefer if your father stayed working, rather than staying since you grew up with him only as a constant presence from afar." his blue eyes scanned the stapled paper. It had a suspicious soy sauce stain. "She explained your eagerness to jump into fights, too. Children don't usually know the full consequences of their actions, especially when it comes to fighting. And since it blows over quickly, it shouldn't be a real problem. Not that she's calling you childish, but people can retain this state of mind."

Jensen's eyebrows stayed glued to his forehead. Wow. She was able to get all that in a single interview? On Face-Time? Now that it's brought up, Jensen could finally make sense of the reluctance he feels when the topic of his father coming home is brought up. Or how he didn't like that new sign by his favorite candy shop.

"So," Apollo raised his eyes to meet Jensen's. "she proposed that you try and practice acceptance."

Jensen furrowed his eyebrows. "How?"

"Well, you can start by listing 3 things that left a big impact on your life as a child, and try to accept that it didn't remain the same." Jensen must've showed his distress, since Apollo reached out to assure him by patting his arm. "Don't worry, you don't have to do it all at once. Plus, we'll be here to help you."

"Thanks, man."

"No problem. So. Three things..."

"Uh, one is my dad probably. I have a hard time adjusting to him when he visits. It's easier to talk to him when he's abroad."

"Okay, that's one." Apollo wrote it in the notes.

"...My blankets?"

"Well, it's not all that of a problem. It's more of just us making fun of you for it."

"Har har har. Okay...when I...no, when the, er...let's see..." Jensen's face crumpled. "Why is this so hard? Come on, Jensen, think!" he pressed his fingers to his temple.

"Relax, Jensen. Just start ticking things off at the top of your head. Then we'll choose from there."

Jensen nods. When he glanced at Horatio, his friend managed to knock over six pins with a pink bowling ball, looking mildly victorious. "Well, when our monkey died it kind of set me off...then my mom had to get rid of the babysitters when I was old enough...when mom was pregnant with Jasper, I was kind of happy. He's annoying sometimes but still..." he stopped, looking at Apollo who gave his undivided attention as he dutifully listed down everything. Jensen squirmed. "It kinda sounds stupid."

"No, it's fine. Keep going." Apollo smiled lightly.

That was enough to reassure him. "Okay, when I got my car it was nice, but I still like to walk if I can't help it."

He's interrupted by a snort from Apollo. "Only you would be given a sedan and still want to walk. Continue..."

"When I first started liking girls enough to ask them to date," Jensen starts slowly, trying to piece the words together. "I still feel like I'm too young, so I broke it off. Sure, a little flirting's fine, getting relationships on the other hand, well..."

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