They were both silent as Dante took his turn, and I heard the balls clack again, and Finn cursed.

"You're an ass." He told Dante.

Dante chuckled. "Love you too. Don't hate me because I'm a fucking pro."

My eyes widened at Dante's words. He practically never swore, and he was never cocky. Although, this was funny. I had rarely ever heard Dante and Finn bicker like this.

"Yea yea, whatever you say. Professional dumbass." Finn shot back. My jaw dropped, and I heard both men laugh at that.

"Good one." Dante replied, and another crash of the balls sounded.

Finn gargled the liquid in his mouth as Dante finished his turn. He finally swallowed, and then I heard his glass being set down on the wood of the table. "Did something happen with Florence? Sapph said she broke down."

My heart sped up. Oh goddess, if this had been a bad situation before, now it was all that much worse. They were talking about me now.

Yet, I still listened with anticipation.

Dante sighed, before hitting the balls with the pool stick again. "Shit," he muttered, and I heard his footsteps retreat from the table. "Sapph can't ever keep anything quiet, can she?" Dante asked Finn.

"She sounded worried. I know she likes Florence." Finn replied, before talking his turn. Clack.

Dante was quiet for a moment, allowing Finn to continue with his turn. "They were watching Melinda I guess, and Max Abernathy was on. Florence is Max's sister, so watching it—"

Finn smacked his hand on the wood. "You're fucking kidding. Max has a sister? And it's Florence? No fucking way. There's another Abernathy?"

Dante must've made a silence response, because Finn continued. "That's insane, dude. Does Max know she's here?"

Dante sighed again. "No, and Florence doesn't want me to tell him. I know if the roles were reversed, I'd want to know if Sapphire was still alive after eleven years. But I'm not going to go against Florence here." Something thudded against the wall, and I was going to guess it was his head.

I had to remind myself to be quiet. I was a little confused as to how they hadn't heard or smelt me yet, and then I realized they were probably drunk enough that their senses were impaired. I thanked the goddess for that.

Dante wanted to go against me and tell Max, but he wasn't doing it. He was listening to me, which made me feel a little more at ease with the fact that Dante knew the truth now. But he just told Finn the truth, and I didn't know if I could trust Finn.

"I'd tell him. Max is a good guy. He should know." Finn missed again, because he groaned. He walked over the liquor again and refilled his drunk.

"I know. But Florence was so adamant on not wanting to be apart of her family anymore, I don't know what to do." Dante set up for his turn, and then set the ball into motion.

Finn backed up, and I felt his weight on the back of the couch. Oh dear goddess please don't spot me don't put me don't let him see me.

His back was to me, but I could see him swirling the liquid in his glass, before taking a long sip. Please don't look back, I repeated in my head. I was barely breathing, trying to be as silent as possible.

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