~{Chapter 2}~

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After meeting everyone in the group, Hinata and you were starting to become really good friends. Once in awhile she would tease you and Shino about the whole thing that happened between you and Shino. Kiba was teasing Shino as well since he's never seen him act like that. You would even shrink into embarrassment when you looked over at him and caught him staring back at you.

After maybe about 10 minutes after the event, your team leader has arrived. "Sorry about being late." She smiled and scanned her team.

Especially you.

Kiba jumped up and smiled wide. "Sup, Kurenai-Sensei!" He asked, super excited for some reason.

    "Well," she smiles. "That's what I came over to talk about."

    Everyone looked at her confused.

    "She's sick and I need to take care of her, so training is cut off today," she looks at you. "I know you were excited for your first day, and I'm really sorry about that, but I promise to make it up to you, okay?"

    You look at her and smile gently. "It's okay Kurenai-sensei, I understand."

    "Great, so team dismissed, enjoy your day off and possibly tomorrow. I'll make sure to tell you If we have training." She waves us goodbye and disappears to her daughter.

    "This stinks..." You mumble.

    "It's not that bad! We have so much to do around here," Hinata said trying to raise your spirits.

    You smiled and nodded. You and Hinata began to walk away as Kiba began to walk home. Shino stayed where he was. Thinking.

    ~Shino's POV~

    Shino grumbled, "I don't like her," Shino shoved his hands into his pockets. "I..." He stopped himself. Shino shook his head and adjusted his goggles then head off.

    What was he gonna do?

~{Y/N} POV~

    Hinata was dragging you around the area mostly talking about Naruto and taking you to his favorite places. You would shout "Naruto!?" Just to get a reaction out of Hinata. She would freak out and blush then almost faint, but you would tell her you're messing with her before she did.

     You both eventually made it to a ramen place. Ate there and just simply chatted the entire time. It was nice. You needed this.

     A bit after finishing eating, Hinata waved goodbye and went home because she heard someone calling for her. You smiled, happy that you made a new friend when you suddenly caught something in the corner of your eye.

    It was a bug. You watched it carefully until you noticed it was Shino's. You only saw his bug once, but it was enough for you to remember. You looked around, finding a figure standing behind a tree.

    "Shino? What are you doing?" You asked him knowing that the figure was indeed Shino.

    He jumped slightly but ended up walking towards you. "I was gonna ask you the same thing..." He was still a bit far away from you. Was he keeping his distance?

    "Well, I was heading home right now," You pointed your thumb behind you.

    Shino crossed his arms. "Hm..." Was all he could said.

    You guys stood there awkwardly until you finally said something. "You can walk with me if you want...?" You suggested, hoping that maybe you and Shino could hang out a bit. Cause it's already obvious you and him have a lot in common.

    Shino looked at you a bit shocked. "I- Well, Okay..." He shrugged and you smiled.

    ~Shino's POV~

    Why did I agree to that?... He thought. He looked at {Y/N}. "Can I see your {ToB}?" Shino asked.

    "Sure!" {Y/N} replied, excited to talk about her {ToB}, Shino could tell.

    He nods, blushing a bit since he found her excitement cute, then shook his head a bit. Why does this happen every time..?! He asked himself. He didn't understand. I can't stand her.

~{Y/N} POV~

    "Here we are," You said opening your door. You put your stuff on the table and invited Shino inside.

    Shino looked around and stopped when he noticed the {ToB} and books about bugs. He walked over to the {ToB}.

    "You can touch them," you said, "They won't bite," you smiled.

    Shino looked at you then back at the {ToB} and picked it up. "Did you name it...?" He asked you, letting it crawl around on his arm and hand.

    You nod, "Yep, their name is, {insert bugs name}," you smiled and walked up to Shino. He took a step back. "Nice..."
    You looked at your books and found the one about {ToB}s. "Here," you handed him the book. "You can learn more about them in this book," he put {B/N} back in its container and took the book and looked at you.

    "Thanks..." He said and put the book on the table examining the cover a bit.

    You looked at his goggles. "Why do you wear those?"

    "Hm?" He looked up at you then realized what you were talking about. "My eyes are sensitive to bright things, such as light..." He replied to your question.

    "But why wear them now? It's not bright in here..." You said staring at his goggles.

    "I don't trust people seeing my eyes..." He stared at you. "Especially, people I just met."

    You huffed, "But I wanna see," you crossed your arms.

    "Maybe later on.." He said and looked outside. "I should head home," he picked up the book and stared at it for a couple seconds then looks at you, "Bye," he walked out instantly opening the book and started reading.

    "He's... Cute..." You mumbled to yourself, smiling, then you noticed a bug. You blushed, that's Shino's bug, "No!" You immediately tried to catch it, but-

    The bug flew away back to Shino.

    You covered your face. Oh no..

Hey! I hope your enjoying it so far, it's my first time writing a story. Anyway, I wanted to know the names you came up with for your bug!

Comment what you named them and what type of bug you did!

This is an update to this part of the story btw. I did automatically give you a tarantula and that was unfair of me, so now you can decide what kind of bug it is!

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