Chapter 7: The Temple.

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The city was full of different people. Different smells filled the air. Iniphis was glad to be back in the city even though she missed her home. She still felt bad about not being able to save her mother. she wondered through the city for an hour or two before finally reaching the temple of Bahamut. As she walked into the temple she had a few odd stares from people walking around inside. The tieflings in her village didn't follow a god but Iniphis followed Bahamut.

There was prayers going on so Iniphis quietly walked over and sat down. She sat and listened to the rest of the prayer. She missed being able to come to the temple and listening to the prayers.

After the prayers were over people started to get up and leave but Iniphis stayed sitting. She sat looking around the room looking for someone. Not even five minutes had passed when she heard a familiar voice. She watched as someone came down a set of stairs in a set of full metal armour with a sword on her back. The person was talking to a few other priests but as soon as she saw Iniphis she excused them but one person stayed with her.

Iniphis knew the one in armour to be Cassandra Windale, a friend of her Mother. But Iniphis didn't recognise the person with Cassandra. She stood herself up and walked over to them.

"Nice to see you again Cassandra."

"Its good to see you again Iniphis. You've grown, a lot."

Iniphis chuckled slightly, "You gonna introduce me to your friend."

"I almost forgot, This is Lady Amirilith."

"Nice to meet you, Im Iniphis Afki." Iniphis said while bowing. 

Lady Amirilith bowed back, "Its nice to meet you ." Lady Amirilith replied, "You may call me Lady Ami if you prefer." 

There was a moment of silence before Cassandra decided to speak, "Well why are you in the city Iniphis, and where is your Mother?"

"Well the village was attacked and I managed to escape with my sister and a lot of others from the village but mother was killed." Iniphis felt tears in her hears as Cassandra hugged her.

"Im so sorry Iniphis, Thank you for coming here and telling me." Cassandra let go of Iniphis, "I have to go and speak with Korrak, If you need me you know where to find me." Cassandra turned and walked out the front door of the Temple.

Iniphis was surprised to see Lady Ami was still standing there. There was a moment of awkward silence before Lady Ami spoke, "Im sorry to hear about what happened to you."


"What happened to your side?" Lady Ami questioned seeing the somewhat healed cut.

"When I was running with my sister a dragonborn chased after us and they cut my side."

"I can heal it if you want." Iniphis nods and Lady Ami reaches out her hand. A faint glow of light came from her hand as the wound almost completely vanished, only leaving a small faint scar.

"If you ever need me, i'll be here in the temple."

"Thank you Lady Ami."

A/N I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Not much is happening at the moment, i know what i want to happen but i don't know how to lead up it. Im really struggling with this at the moment. I will try to make the chapters interesting and something might happen soon.

Inphis's Story (Discontinued)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon