Chapter 4: Talis'val.

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As they approached the city of Talis'val they got some suspicious looks from guards on the wall and at the gate. Iniphis walked over to the gate and the others followed.

"What are a group of Tiefling doing at Talis'val?" The guard questioned.

"Me and my parents have a friend in the city and our village is no longer safe to stay in." 

"All i need are your names and then you can enter."

"I am Iniphis Afki, this is Kyra Afki, Kaxus Bloodthorn, Valxori Ebil and Eklech Ciuzur."

"Ok you may enter, do you know where you are going in the city?"

"Yes i know."

Iniphis had seen the city before but the 4 others hadn't. They were so fascinated by everything. Iniphis lead them through the streets making sure that they were all together. She lead them to a small shop in an alleyway. As she knocked on the door it magically opened. Standing on the otherside of the room was a human man with his back to the door. He had short dirty blonde hair and wore a basic looking outfit. Iniphis ran over to him and as she reached him he turned round to hug her. the other kids slowly walked in to the shop slightly confused as to what was going on. The shop was full of potions and magic looking items, it looked very run down and broken.

"Iniphis what are you doing her? Where is your mother? and why are there kids with you?"

"First of Toldon it is good to see you again. And secondly my village was attacked, some of us escaped and i brought these four here, including my sister, as i knew it would be safe."

"What about your mother?"

"M-mother is dead. She was killed by a dragonborn as we were running to the exit."

Toldon reaches down and hugs Iniphis "I'm so sorry, but your father will be happy to see you. You and these four can stay here, im sure you all need rest."

The four kids nod as Toldon leads them to a room with a few beds in. "you all rest. You will be safe here. Iniphis your father should be at the guard training grounds. You know where that is right?"

Iniphis nods, hugs Toldon and walks out the door. She walks through the streets for what feels like an hour until she reaches the training grounds. Any guards on the way in let Iniphis pass when she said her fathers name. As she approaches the training grounds she sees her father watching two guards practising. She walks closer and another guard standing near her father sees her.

"Hey Tivalry you have a visitor."

He turns his head to see Iniphis standing there. She has a rip down her side and a massive scar. He runs over to her and hugs her tightly. "What happened to you? Is Kyra and your mother ok? Are you ok?"

"Dad im fine, stop panicing. Kyra is fine and mother she is dead."

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