Chapter 6

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Iniphis walked through the city cutting through Alleyways until she reached Toldon's shop. She knocked on the door. This time there was no answer. She reached for the door handle and tried to open the door. It was locked. She knocked again. No answer. No answer. Iniphis stood there for a second and then reached into a pouch on the side of her outfit and she pulled out some lockpick tools. After a few minutes she had unlocked the door. The room was dark and there was no one in sight.

'The door was rarely locked. Toldon usally has a spell on the door which would open the door only to certain people'. Iniphis carefully closed the door and walked over to the stairs. She could hear the children playing. 'Why was the door locked and where is Toldon. Iniphis walked upstairs to where the children were.

"Ini!" Kyra ran over and jumped on to Iniphis knocking them both to the floor.
"You seem happier. Do you know where Toldon went?"
"Yeah, he went to get us new clothes."
Iniphis had completely forgotten about the fact that their clothes had been ripped and damaged on the long journey here. She then remembered about the cut down her side. it had healed significantly. 

"Ok, I was just curious as the door was locked and Toldon never locks it."

"Where did you go Ini?"

"I went to go and see father and see if i could join the guards."

"Does father know im here?"

"yeah he does. I told him that we were staying with Toldon so im sure he will come and see you at some point."

Kyra bounced in excitement at the thought of seeing her father. She didn't know much about him as he left when she was really young but Iniphis had told her stories of him. Iniphis gives her a quick hug and whispers in her ear 'when Toldon comes back tell him i have gone to the temple.' 

Kyra had a puzzled look on her face, "What temple?" she questioned.

"Toldon will know, i will tell you later."

A/N Sorry for the slow updates. i have written a few chapters and just need to type them up. Some stuff has been going on and i have felt really unmotivated to write. I will try to make my chapters a little longer as well. Thanks so much for reading my story. I also don't have a name for this chapter so if you can think of one comment it below.

Inphis's Story (Discontinued)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ