Chapter 60

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With Veronica's permission, Tessa had made the servant Meliah her personal lady, and brought her along for the march. As it turned out, Meliah was as skilled at styling hair as she was at flogging butts. Every morning, she braided Tessa's hair tightly, wound it round her head, and held it in place with hidden pins. Both practical and elegant, the hairstyle also enabled everyone to clearly see the black mark on the side of her face. Hiding it had gotten old.

At night, Tessa toured the camps, either with Dylani or one of the Azurian captains. It quickly transpired that each company mirrored their respective captain's traits.

Captain Saveron's cavalrymen were a tight bunch. Efficient riders during the day, they loosened up at night with some wine and games of dice. They also seemed the proudest of their captain, from the fond looks and brotherly shoulder slaps Tessa observed. Perhaps they harbored the hope that the emperor's cousin would, one day, rise to the top.

And whilst it lacked in discipline, Captain Nikos' company made up for it in liveliness, frequently indulging in marching songs. Their singing continued into the night around campfires. Whenever Tessa rode by, the men surrounding Nikos would tap his shoulder and point at her. Subtlety was not their forte.

On Shezenos' orders, Amary had taken over leadership of Myzian's mounted company. As for Myzian, he'd been demoted to the lowly rank of soldier. It was obvious to anyone paying attention that Amary would've preferred to stay behind in his wife's cozy mansion. In any case, Tessa avoided the brothers like the plague.

She usually ended her tour by visiting the smallest cluster of tents. The Dragon and his followers kept to themselves and were by far the quietest. Tonight, she found them huddled round the campfire, listening to the Dragon's teachings. Tessa dismounted and approached with her mare's reins in her gloved hand.

"In the Treon battle," one dark mage was saying, "whenever Mirka got hurt, it sent these vibrations of pain through me, and it took some time before she could attack again. I was wondering if there's any way I could speed up her recovery process?"

Tessa assumed this man's demon was a hyena, since mirka meant precisely that in Etreoni. However, before judging his lack of creativity, Tessa reminded herself that she had yet to name her own demon.

"Unfortunately, there isn't," the Dragon answered. "My advice to you, don't let her get hurt in the first place. Be mindful of her limitations, and of the danger you put her in. That's enough for tonight. Retire to your tents, get some rest."

As they rose and scattered, Tessa joined Dylani by the fire, tightening her cloak against the biting night wind. There was something she'd been meaning to ask him.

"During your time as Emperor, did you ever think that one day you would come to Fellera?"

He looked up at her, firelight dancing in his pale blue eyes. "Yes, as a young man. Back then I was so ambitious, I believed I would conquer the whole world."

"Do you believe Seraph when he claims he wants the same thing you did? To conquer?"

"I don't know what to believe anymore," he admitted.

Tessa nodded. "Where is he now?"

"In his tent," Dylani said. "He goes on these trances, his body is here but his mind is somewhere else. I'm not to bother him when he's like this, even when he gets as pale and cold as a dead man. When he comes to, he shivers for hours."

"I see . . . Whatever it is he's doing, it must be worth it."

Dylani didn't reply. Evidently he wasn't in a talking mood. Tessa hopped back on the saddle and wished him good night.

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