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I never expected that suggestion but since I was already stuck with him, I thought to myself, "why the hell not?"

As we came down from the limo, he set out his hand for me to take, in order to guide me into the mall... Oooohhh... Playing gentleman yeah? I took his hand and walked into the mall with him..
Five hours later, I had a grumpy Mr. Stone whining about how much time it was taking for me to do my shopping... Rolling my eyes, I dragged him into another shop..

By the time I knew it, it was already evening when we were stepping out of the shopping mall.. At least Mr. Stone wasn't that bad a company after all...

''Let me take you to dinner", came a voice from behind.. I knew he wasn't asking though, that brute.. Oh well, I'm famished so... I nodded and off we went..

Italian restaurant... Hmmm.. Nice.. But one question kept bugging me..


I mean he's been pretty much mean since I met him and this sudden change of attitude is creepy..
We got to the restaurant .. And oh my was it  exquisite.. He led me into the restaurant which was themed with white and gold and we settled on a table at the far end.. Well away from the others..

The waiter came and we took our orders.. Trying to make small talk, we indulged in different topics about ourselves.. Hmm.. I like nice Mr. Stone

Order came and we dug in and decided to go with some cocktail along with the food..

After a while, we were done eating and decided to leave..
He took care of the bills and led us out the door.. Into the limo and we drove off.

  We sat quietly on the far ends of each side of the car... My mind wondered on how I should start planning on things I needed to accomplish for this project.. I really didn't want to disappoint daddy

  After some minutes.. We pulled up at my apartment..
     Wait.. How'd he know my apartment?! Dude's really creepy..

  Before I opened the door I thanked him for the day and he nodded and waved a hand of dismissal at me..

I walked out of the car and headed to the lobby of my apartment.. Before I stepped into the building, I turned to see if he'd left.. What was I expecting though? I shrugged and headed towards the elevator dreading the next day ahead..

    I walk into the apartment and the next thing someone jumps on me and starts bombarding me with questions as to how my day went... I struggled to get myself and my silly roommate to the sofa in the living room, I manage to get through and slumped on it.. Then I started giving a recount of every single thing that happened that day..

  After long talk I was really exhausted and decided to go take a shower and go to bed..

  Once I was done with my preparations for bed, I hopped in and as soon as my head touched the pillow..

   Off I went..


Book's going slower than I thought.. I'm sorry.. Have a life outside Wattpad. 

I'm sure I'd pull through though.. God help me..

Short chapter but trust me things are going to start getting interesting from now on..

  Take care guys.. Love you!!

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