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Dave's POV

So.. Here I am.. In awe.. Speechless
I just met the most beautiful girl ever. At first, I didn't want to pay attention to who was in front of me.. My whole attention was on the beautiful cufflinks in front of me.. Then I felt a sharp pain on my foot. Ouch! I cursed.. Why today of all days, when I decided to go casual and wear sandals?

All pain evaporated once I laid my eyes on the beautiful smirking face that was trying her best to look threatening.. She looked hella cute instead..

What am I doing?
Why aren't I talking?
Damn.. My cufflinks she's leaving with them.. And she's gone

Damn, oh well.. I'd settle for the other one I saw on the other part of the glass showcase

Once I was done doing grocery shopping
Yes, I do my grocery shopping and I also do the chores in my pent house.. Unless I'm too busy to do them

I don't like people doing them for me because I think I have OCD or something.. Always having this urge to make everything perfect

Just like someone I met earlier, she's so... No! What am I doing?
She's just another one of the rich spoiled brats I hated.. I mean she practically almost tripped on her way out.. Like how many things could one person need? She  was carrying like fifteen shopping bags at least..

I'm sure she's an air brain
I hate air brains

Was so glad when my phone rang, disrupting me from my thoughts

Mom.. Oh no

Hi mom
Hello son!! She said cheerfully.. How are you?
I'm fine mom
Alright, I want to invite you over for tea.
I'd love you to meet someone

Oh no, mom, match making again

But mom, I have important things to do

Young man, two hours, that's all I give you. Come down here this instant!

Grr. Mom, alright.. On my way

I rushed to the pent house.. Made lunch, ate, took a quick shower, dressed up wearing a white polo and washed blue jeans and emerged from the building in an hour time.. In forty minutes time, I was at my parent's house

I walked into the large living room and it was so quiet. I called for my mum and dad but no answer, then, I brought out my Samsung S7 edge to call mom and the nanny Mrs. Gilbert came out from the kitchen to tell me that my parent and a lovely lady were out in the garden having tea

I groaned inwardly and went towards the garden, when I saw their figures, I lightly jogged to catch up with them shouting mom and dad to get their attention

Only to stop dead on my tracks

Cufflinks and we locked gazes

I was lost...


Hi guys, I know the book is still new but I can see some reads.. Please like and comment on my chapters to give me more morale to keep writing

Apart from that.. Nothing else

Today was boring.. Hope you had more fun than I did..

Promise to make longer chapters if I get more support!


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