The Crusher

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So I'm Carey as I mentioned earlier. And previously I also mentioned that I have this 'attraction' or 'crush' on this boy called Nick, whom I also mentioned all about and also how I hate Romantic movies.

I'm not your average teenager, I'm one of those short kids. Though not the shortest in my year, that would be this guy whose head reaches my shoulders but lets not discuss that.
I wasn't the really skinny type, I enjoyed eating because who doesn't? I had brown hair that went down till just above my waist.

I had a loving dad (though annoying sometimes), and three siblings (who all were brothers). My mom died soon after I was born so I didn't really know her and hence I was the youngest. 

And growing up in a house full of masculinity was hard but I'm proud that I retained some feminine qualities like the stuff I enjoy doing.  

My brothers were 2 two years older (They are triplets) but enough about them. I'm 17, therefore also a senior in school. This was my last year in that hell hole and I was beyond thrilled to be leaving in a few months. One thing that I didn't like about leaving school was that my best friend Rachel (pronounced Ra-qel) would be moving half way across the country to attend Uni. 

Speaking about Uni, I have decided to take a year break (just an excuse because I didn't get into the uni I wanted to attend) and visit my grandparents (mom's parents) who stayed like four hours away from us. They lived in this gorgeous mansion (They were filthy rich.) and it consisted of two swimming pools, one indoors in the gym and another one in the backyard. I was their favorite grandchild so I was hoping they would leave this all to me. (Hoping)

Anyway, my hobbies included painting which I did a lot and I loved music.

My dream is to an international singer and musician. I play the guitar and a little of the keyboard so sometimes I jam out in my bedroom which distracts me from the realities of life.

I love reading books and I have a keen interest in writing poems or jotting down stuff, I don't even know whether they're good cause I haven't really shown them to anyone other than when I sometimes read them out to my dog who would make this whining sound when I did, so I'm guessing they aren't good. My favorite book at the moment is The Fault in Our Stars by John Green. Yes, I know its romantic but it kind off portrays reality where anything could happen and you could lose the love of your life or a loved one in days or even seconds, I think it applies to me because I lost my mom within a few days of being born.

We should never take anyone for granted because we never know whether they will wake up the next morning. I always live in the present. I treat every moment as if it's my last or if it is the last time I see someone.

There is really nothing more about me to tell. The shower is my favorite place to think and I'm sure the high water bill that my dad pays every month is because me. 

My go to song to sing is Delilah by Plain White Tees because that song is smooth as fudge. (Sorry about the fudge thing, my dad hates it when I swear so he's making use all types of foods instead of the actual swear words, I told you he was annoying. Sometimes.) 

My absolute favorite thing to do is sit in my bed with a tub of Ben and Jerry's ice-cream and watch my favorite T-V shows including TVD (Though it's over now), The Originals (last season coming up and I'm sad) and there's this new show called Riverdale that I'm hooked up on at the moment, though there are a lot more other shows I watch but I'm just too lazy to mention them.

That's it about me. I've told you everything about me that I wanted you all to know. I think.

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