"Um let's make a deal I tell you where I'm at you come alone and I won't hurt Austin too bad"

"No u tell me where you are at and I'll come alone and you don't hurt him at all" I was getting a little irritated. Why is he so abusive to people, I never understood how he can go from being a loving boyfriend and person to being cotroling, abusive and forceful. I remember the love I seen in his eyes when ever he told me he loved me. And I remember the evil he had in his eyes the night he raped me then said I love you and left, it wasn't no longer the sweet man I knew and fell in love with.

"Um no deal" I hear the phone drop.

"Wait! Timothy I'm sorry please I'm!..." I hear Austin cry i hang up the phone and jump up panicking.

"Babe what the fuck? What's wrong?" Kevin asked grabbing my arm.


"You what baby?"

"I texted austin to call me and he did and Timothy heard him on the phone and took it and I answered and he offered me a deal I said no and then I heard Austin begging him not to do something and now he's hurting him and its my fault" I cried out very fast I don't even think I understood what I said.

"Wait what?, hold on so who the fuck is Austin?"

"He was the guy Timothy was with when jimmy and I went to the mall that day"

"you seen him and didn't tell me"

"yes I'm sorry but.. My phone rings and I rush to check, I see a text and it has some adress on it. I show Kevin and he took the phone from me.

"We need to call the cops" I shake my head and take the phone back from him.

"no what if he hurts him worse"

"We need to do something June"

"Let's go to the address please and if we need to we call the cops"

"I don't like this at all baby but okay" Kevin and I rush to put clothes and shoes on, then we drove off to the address that was sent.


We get to a house and I see Austin sitting on the porch with a beat up fast, not too beat up but still.

Kevin and I get out and I run to Austin "what happened?" I asked holding his busted face in my hands.

"I knocked him out, well at least I hope that's all I did" he said crying.

"Okay well we need to call the cops" Kevin said.

"Okay but can we leave first I already have to go to court Monday and I don't need any more stress" I said to Kevin.

"Okay but what should I say?"

"here let me do it" Austin said. He takes the phone and calls the cops.

After Austin got off the phone I tell him and Kevin to come on so we can leave before the cops get here.

"No I called my mom. She said she got rid of Luther and she's on her way to pick me up" Austin said. I open my mouth to say something but I hear a woman's voice call out Austins name. Kevin and I turn aroud and we see a older brown skinned black lady get out the car followed by a white older looking guy. They both look similar to Austin. "oh my god sweety what did he do to you?" the lady who I'm guessing Is his mom said cuffing his face.

"Nothing mom, dad let's go"

"No I want to know where that bitch who hit you is at so I can fuck him up"  Austin's dad yelled.

"Dad he's gone now can we go, like Now please"

"Fine let's go but your coming to live with me after what your mom told me what she aloud to happen"

"I said I'm sorry, I just was mad and I should have just loved you instead of alowing Luther to kick you out" His mom cried. Fuck now I'm crying.

"Its okay now can we please go" I started to hear sirens.

"Okay I'm happy your okay Austin we have to go bye. And remember to hold on to your parents okay, even though your mom messed up she loves you okay Now go bye" we all rush to our cars and Kevin pulled off after we seen Austins car make a u turn.

"Well that was something, I hope that ass whole goes to jail" Kevin said after we get out of that neighborhood.

"No Austin told the cops that he was high and tied to attach him and fell and he ran away and was just calling to see if he was still okay and not dead"

"Yeah i know I was there, but I still don't like the fact that he will be free and probably do this again to someone inicent, the man needs help" I understand what Kevin is saying and trust me I agree but right now I need no more stress, like at all.

"Yeah I know it scares me too but all we can do is live our lives okay. after tomorrow what ever happens I just want us to have fun and not stress no more over drama like this. No more Timothy problems, no more dealing with my father" I lean over and kiss Kevin.

"I love you" Kevin said kissing me back.

"And I love you babe." 

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