chapter 18

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"Are you ready?" Kevin asked as we pulled up to the court building. Todays the day. I think I've made up my mind on what I'm going to do. So here goes nothing.

"Yes" I simply said. I knew he could tell I was scared but he just brushed it of and held my hand as we walked inside.

We get to the waiting area and I see the Anna and my heart literally jumped excited. "Bub!" Anna screamed running to me in tears witch caused me to cry. "Please stay please I don't won't nothing else bub" my voice was literally stuck in my thought. Lisa got from out the bathroom with my mom and she ran towards me and huged me.

"Dad" she said quietly. I separate and look at her shocked.

"Oh my god Lisa when?... Your talking when?" my mom walked over to us.

"That's all she says and at first I was confused until I realized that she was talking about you"

"That says a lot huh" Kevin said. I can tell he was iratated.

"Yeah" my mom said teary eyed.

"Kevin!" Anna walked over to Kevin with her arm's raised so he can pick her up. Kevin picked her up and kissed her cheek.

"Hey sweetie I missed you"

"I missed you too, me and Lisa" I picked Lisa up and Kevin kissed her cheek.

"Hey, um, can I talk to you two please before we go in there" Steve asked me and Kevin.

We put the girls down and walk over to Steve. "okay so I know what I said about you guys getting the girls back but after seeing how your mom has changed these last weeks I think she should keep the girls. And I also love being with the girls they are smart and fun and I know that's probably because of you June but I just ask you to think before we go in there" Steve said then walks back over to the girls.

Kevin walks infrot of me with an confused face "well he's never mentioned that to me before but okay" I still was thinking about what he said so all I did was smile and give kevin a hug.


"okay so june what would you like to do so we can settle this"the judge said. I took a really big deep breath.

"I want my mom to have the girl, but i ask that me and kevin both can see the girls whenever"

"Mrs. Scott" the judge look at my mom "are you cool with that."

"Yess I am but I have something I really want"

"And that is?"

My mom looked over at me and started to cry "I just... I just want you June please, I want to be your mom again and I'm sooooo sorry what I put you and the girls threw and I mean this from this to the bottom of my heart, please let me be your mom again, when you see the girls I want you to see me too, I promise I'll show you love, I haven't shown you that in along time and I'm sorry. I love you baby, mommy loves you" I was crying so hard my chest hurt. hearing my mom say those words to me meant everything in the world. "Can I hug him your honor? Please"

"Yes, yes please do" kevin let go of me and my mom ran and gave me the biggest hug.

"I love you so much baby" she whispered in my ear.

"I love you mom" I said and she hugged me tighter.

"Well there you folks have it, now go spend time with your kids Ms.scott"

"Yes ma'am"

We get out side and literally my mom has yet to let my hands go "lets go out to eat" Steve said.

"Oh yes please as a family" my mom looked at me to answer.

"Yeah cool let's eat" i said laughing.

We get down the steps and I see my dad sanding there. God do you hate me or something? "Wow that was beautiful" he said.

"Jared it would be more beautiful if you stop judging your son and get to know him and his boyfriend" my mom said.

"No thank you. Shit I wouldn't be surprised if he ended up rapping him like the last one" he laughed and my heart literally stopped moving.

"Wait what? Jared what the... Son what is he talking about" my mom asked. I said nothing but looked down. Like with that situation ever go a fucking way. I'm sick of talking about it.

"You son of... "No stop! I got this" my mom said stepping in front of Kevin. she turned around and punch my dad straight in the face.

"If you ever come around my son or daughters ever again I will chop your balls of and send it to your precious "family" you got it"

"Bitch I otta..."you otta get the fuck out of here son" steve said getting in front of my mom. Damn I love this dude.

My dad just rolled his eyes and left. "Okay enough drama please guys let's all act like that never happened. June later on you and your mother needs to have a serious talk, but as of now we are happy and hungry so let's go eat" Steve said.

"Well yes, sure let's go" I said smiling. I'm not letting that bastard ruin my day. For all I know he's not any father of mine. All I need is my mother, Kevin and my sisters, oh and of course my bestfriend's especially Jimmy.

woh well you guys I hope you loved this chapter because I do. and guys I think we might have one last chapter after this and then the 'where are they now' and my very first published book is done

👏🏾 🙌🏾

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