Chapter Nine

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is update? wow who would've guessed? 


Sometimes the most mysterious things in life are things that you may think to be normal. Such as life. Life surrounds us. It encases us in a trap of beauty and wonder, but we never truly come to any reasonable conclusions as to what purpose we serve here on Earth.

However, in this case, the mysterious entity is magic. Magic is the fabric that weaves the universe. It's the single most powerful and...mystical sources of anything. And if you mess with it, you are playing with forces you may not be able to fully comprehend.

However, even if you possess an inkling of knowledge about this whimsical darkness, you open the door to a new spotlight of power. You can choose to take a path of good, or the path of bad.

And in this case, a black beast of night chose the path of pure terror.


Harry wiped a hand down his face, frustration grasping each facial feature, while worry came in a crashing wave in its wake. He reread the message he received for the third time, trying to figure out a plan of action.

The message was defintely more of a threat than a 'message'. It proclaimed he was going to have to keep a watchful eye on his only weakness- Louis. He didn't even want to imagine the possibilities that could happen to his precious omega.

He pulled out his phone and dialed a very familiar number.

"Hello...I know this is extremely sporadic of me, but I would like to request a favor from you..." Harry started, his plan spewing from his mouth afterwards.


When Louis awoke from a deep slumber, something felt...peculiar. He tried to assess himself, and for some reason, it felt as though an extra twelve pounds was trapped in his stomach as well. It was strange, because he knew that it wasn't possible for that much weight to be gained onto him in such a shortened amount of time.

Harry sat beside him on the bed, and a woman Louis had never seen before stood in the entrance of their bedroom. She had untamed curls that held a hue of red in each lock of hair. Her eyes were amethysts that held secrets of the universe within.

Harry gently combed his fingers through Louis's fluffy fringe, then leaned down to lick his nose, efficiently scenting him for the millionth time. "How do you feel, omega?"

Louis pondered for a minute to collect his thoughts and form it into a comprehensible string of words. "I feel...heavier. It's making me a bit nauseous, acfually," Louis said, trying to move but finding the action exhaustible.

Harry sighed through his nose. "Good, it worked. You are no longer needed, Hendra."

The woman, apparently named Hendra, bowed to Harry and Louis before making her leave. Louis looked upwards to Harry with bright blue eyes shining with fear. "What worked?"

Harry locked eyes with the frightened omega, the green settling the discontentment Louis felt. "Hendra possesses magic, and owes me many favors. I asked her if she could perform a spell on you, to keep you safer."

He paused, and glanced back at his love. "Omega, you cannot physically leave the confines of this house. I know it is a bit overbearing, but I hope you know that I truly had your best interests in mind when making the ultimate decision."

Louis blinked. He certainly had not been expecting that. Yes, being under true house arrest was absolutely terrible, however, he was bound to start nesting soon. After making a nest, omegas rarely tend to leave the safe haven.

"...I guess that's okay, alpha. I just wish you had warned me, so I could've been a bit more prepared," Louis said softly, pressing his nose into the crook of Harry's elbow. The mentioned alpha wrapped his free arm around the tiny boy and pulled him up a bit so he was resting on his lap.

"You have my word, omega. I will always make sure I tell you anything along those lines. This instance was a bit...out of the blue. You were asleep from the phone call all the way up until she finished the spell and you woke up," Harry explained.

Louis let a warm puff of air through his mouth, breath slowly evening out, a clear indication that he had fallen asleep again. Harry chuckled lowly, shifting so that his omega wouldn't wake back up. It was vital that pregnant omegas had plenty of sleep, for they produced energy in their sleep that was necessary for procreation.


Edward and Marcel sat on the plush couch, each holding a mug of steaming coffee in their large hands. They were leaned over towards the table located in front of their seats, focusing intently at the computer placed on top of the surface.

Marcel suddenly leaned back, taking a deep gulp of the dark coffee and ignoring the deep burn that the action caused. He turned towards Edward, seeing that his identical brother was still scanning the screen.

"Edward?" Marcel suddenly said, startling the other alpha out of his reading. Edward composed himself quickly and cast his eyes towards his brother.

"What is it, Marcel?" Edward pondered a bit exasperatedly, for it was a late hour and he wanted to finish the article he was reading on the impact technology could cause on wolf packs, and how precautions can be taken to preserve the traditions of a pack.

"When do you think Louis will begin to nest? He's nearing his final weeks of pregnancy, and he is already bedridden without our aid," Marcel replied.

Edward's typically hard features softened dramatically as his eyes formed hearts. He is so fucking whipped for his tiny mate. "Probably within the end of this week..." He pondered, thinking for a couple more seconds to assure the truth in the statement.

A few additional seconds of silence pass by, Marcel and Edward not continuing their previous actions. Just as they were about to restart their internet browsing, a whine from upstairs was heard, specifically pointed to them. Thought not one of urgency, it did have a touch of "get up here quickly" within.

The brothers exchanged glances before running up the stairs separating them from their mate. The door to their bedroom was ajar, so they pushed it further open to allow for a more spacious gap to occupy the doorframe.

Louis lay on the bed, shirtless and panting. "Please, alphas, help me. It hurts!" He groaned, gesturing to his swollen nipples. The alphas wasted no time in nursing from their omega, enjoying the nourishment along with a delectably sweet taste provided for them.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you," Louis mumbled, thankful that the pressure build up in his chest was finally relieved. Once he felt that there was nothing left to give, he lightly pushed at his alphas' curly heads to signal that they should finish up.

Marcel wiped his lips, sending a wide grin to his lover on the bed. "Feel better, love?"

The omega smiled back, nodding his head. "Am i allowed to shift? I just don't feel comfortable in this form right now..." Marcel turned his head towards Edward, who nodded. Louis noticed and sighed, grateful he could.

Without a second to waste, he changed into his pure white wolf form, a delicate creature that was barely bigger than his already petite human self. Marcel and Edward also took the time to join their mate as wolves, and the three spent the rest of the afternoon sleeping away together.


a/n: hey! i'm back! the past few months of my life have been crazy as fuckk. school is stressing me out, my personal life's is stressing me out, hell, the fandom stresses me out. 

but i still FINALLY wrote this! ok i have a lot of time off this weekend, so expect another chapter asap (maybe even tomorrow...?) 

but yeah. i saw niall live last friday (november 3rd) and i'm still not okay. also...IM MEETING HIM SEPTEMBER 8TH NEXT YEAR! AHHH! IM GONNA CRY! i died when i found out i got m&g tickets, you don't understand.

ok, i'm gonna stop ranting and start doing my homework...ew. so yeah! see you soon!

-Allie (author) 

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