Jaeden Lieberher x Reader

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"You ready?" Jaeden called from the living room downstairs.

You finished curling/straightening the last piece of your hair. You adjusted your casual F/C dress that fit perfectly against your body.

You stared at yourself in the mirror, thinking about what Jaeden would think. You quickly shook your thoughts away. "Yep! Coming!" You yelled back as you made your way out of the bathroom and down the stairs.

When you got there, Jaeden had his back turned to you. He was staring out the window, twiddling his thumbs nervously.

You smirked and snuck up behind him, throwing your arms around his shoulders and yelling, "BOO!"

"Gah! Dude! You can't scare me like that!" He yelled, turning around to look at you.

"Well, uh, of course I can. I just did." You rolled your eyes as he looked you up and down.

"Wow..." He whispered, placing his hands on your hips.

You let out a small gasp as your eyes widened.

"Uh- S-sorry," he let go and looked down sheepishly.

"It's cool. Let's go we're going to be late for the party!" You shouted before grabbing his hand and pulling him out the door.

You two climbed into a limo and you were off to the party.

Once you got there, Jaeden got out of the vehicle and held the car door open for you.

"Why thank you kind sir," you said in a cute British accent.

"Of course M'lady," he replied with his own accent.

You giggled and pushed the large glass doors open, entering the party.

The flashing lights and loud music immediately pulled you towards the dance floor.

You turned to face Jaeden, only to have an arm slung around your shoulder.

You turned your head, coming face to face with one of Jaeden's friends.

"Oh, hey Wyatt!" You smiled happily and looked at Jaeden, who was staring at Wyatt with a blank expression.

"What's up Y/N?" He flashed you a white smile and shot Jaeden an unreadable look.

"You wanna dance?" Wyatt asked as Jaeden started to walk away.

"Uh... Actually-"

"Great!" Wyatt cut off your answer and took your hand, beginning to spin you in circles.

You couldn't lie, it was fun.

But you really wanted it to be Jaeden you danced with.

After the song ended, you said goodbye to Wyatt and left before he could say anything.

You look all around the party, but Jaeden was no where to be found.

You spotted Sophia, who smiled and waved rapidly.

You returned her smiled and you walked over to where she was standing, next to the snack table.

She pulled you into a tight hug. "Y/N! I didn't know you were coming!" She exclaimed as she released you from her hug.

"Where's Jaeden?" She asked curiously as she took a sip of her drink.

"I actually don't know... I'm going to go find him," you said awkwardly as you hurried away.

You automatically knew where he'd be if he wasn't hanging around the snack table.

You found the back doors leading outside. You left the party and started walking around the building until you found a metal ladder. You started climbing to the roof.

And sure enough there Jaeden was, his legs dangling over the side of the building.

You sighed and went to sit next to him. "Jae?" You asked quietly, placing a hand on his shoulder.

"Uh... Yea?" He perked up and started wiping his eyes.

"What's wrong?" You asked as you placed your head and his shoulder.

He sighed and shook his head. "Nothing..."

"Tell me." You demanded.

"There's nothing wrong," he mumbled.

"Please," you whispered, lifting your head and meeting his eyes. There was a short silence. Then he answered...


That was all he said. You sniffed and threw your arms around him.

You were totally silent, the cool autumn breezes whirled around you.

You planted a soft kiss to the corner or his lips, causing him to wrap his hands around your waist.

The loud music that could be heard from inside the building settled into a slow song.

"May I have this dance?" Jaeden whispered into your ear.

"Of course," you replied, standing up.

Jaeden took your hands and wrapped them around his neck before placing his hands firmly on your waist.

You rocked back and forth to the beat, staring into each other's eyes.

"You're a way better dancer than Wyatt," you smirked and leaned forward.

"I could've told you that," Jaeden smiled and pecked your lips.


A/N: This was just a short one shot that I decided to make because I was bored. Request something you'd like to see, it could be a character or a cast member. But that's all I have for you guys. Until next time! Bye Divas!

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