Bill Denbrough x Reader

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After Bill gave his little brother the paper boat and told him to be careful, Georgie left, leaving you and Bill alone.

You stared at each other in an awkward silence until he stood up and walked towards the raindrop covered window.

You could see him wave, to who you assumed was Georgie, and then he turned to you again.

"Did you finish that picture yet?" You asked, giving him a small smile.

"Uh... Y-yea..." He stuttered while rubbing the back of his neck.

"Can I see it?" You asked eagerly.

He immediately shook his head. "N-no... I... I-It... Um..." He looked down.

"Come on, I wanna see it!" You whined, shooting your puppy dog eyes in his direction.

He groaned in defeat and made his way to his desk, where he kept all of his drawings.

You quickly got up and followed him, leaning over his shoulder to watch.

He sighed and pulled a worn out sketch book from a random drawer.

Your eyes widened in amazement as he flipped through the pages filled with his amazing artwork.

Every once in a while you'd stop him on a drawing you really liked and complimented him.

He'd reply with a, "Th-Thanks..." Or something similar.

One he stopped on his latest drawing, your jaw dropped.

It was a drawing of you.

It was so detailed. Every shaded corner made your heart lift. The way he curved your face perfectly made your stomach flutter.

You stared at it in awe for a while until he broke your thoughts.

"D-do you l-like it?" He asked nervously, taking in your reaction.

You looked over at him. "Like it?" There was a short moment of silence before you said, "I love it!"

You threw your arms around his shoulders and pulled him into a tight hug.

It took him a second to register what happened, but he soon returned your hug.

When you pulled away, he was looking down.

"What's wrong?" You asked, your eyebrows knitting together.

"Y-you don't th-think it's... W-weird?" He asked, hope filling his tone.

"Of course not..." You placed your warm hand against his cold cheek.

He looked up at you with a slight blush dusting his cheeks.

"It's the most wonderful thing someone has ever shown me... You are truly a great artist... And a great friend." A smile crept onto your lips as you said this, but he looked hurt.

The word 'friend' really struck him hard.

He had always had a crush on you. Keeping it a secret has been so hard, he doesn't even know how he has kept it for this long.

"Y-Y/N..." Bill whispered, noticing how close your faces were.

"Yes?" You asked quietly, a smirk forming on your face.

"I... I lik-" Suddenly, before Bill could finish, a shrill scream was heard from outside.

You both turned your heads towards the window and immediately recognized that scream.

"Georgie," you both said in unison.

You both rushed out of the front door into the pouring rain and began jogging down the sidewalk.

You shivered as the cold drops ran down your back.

Bill noticed you freezing our butt off beside him, so he pulled his jacket around your shoulders and sped up.

You blushed and pulled it tightly around you as you kept the same pace as Bill.

You looked for hours, but you couldn't find anything.

"He's a-at home..." Bill said confidently as he turned around to head back to his place.

"Billy... What if we don't find him?" You asked quietly.

He flipped around, looking mad as hell. "He's fine! We'll find him!" He screamed at you.

You flinched and took a small step back.

He immediately realized his mistake and took a step forward, looking sympathetic.

"I'm sorry... I-I shouldn't have y-yelled," He whispered.

"Don't be sorry..." You said, stepping closer. "You're just stressed..." You tilted your head to the side and watched as tears built up in your friends eyes.

You could feel them begin to gather in your own as well.

"It's okay..." You said in a shaky voice.

He closed his eyes and sniffed as you both stood out in the rain, which was beginning to settle.

You could see tears slide down his face and they began to run down your red cheeks as well.

You placed your hands on the back of his neck and rested you forehead against his.

"G-Georgie..." He cried quietly, causing you to mourn with him.

"Shh..." You hushed him and gently stroked the back of his head.

Both of your eyes were now closed, you stood in the rain for what felt like forever.

Then you felt his hot breath fanning against your lips.

You froze and your heartbeat sped up.

You could feel the gap in between both of you closing as he pressed his lips gently against yours.

You both pulled away after your short peck, tears no longer streaming down either of your faces.

The walk home was quiet, the rain had settled down to where it was just barely sprinkling. But you still wore Bill's jacket as you walked hand in hand towards his house.

"I like you..." He whispered, squeezing your hand tighter.

"I know..." You smirked and squeezed his hand in return.

Then you turned to face him, the had a weird expression covering his face.

You let out a simple laugh and shook your head. "I'm kidding..."

You pressed one last, sweet kiss to his lips and entered his home, ready to face the depression of Georgie's disappearance.


A/N: This one's for my sister. First one to read it and my favorite person on earth... Just kidding, that would have to be Jack Dylan Grazer... Just kidding again, it's my sister. Until next time! Bye Divas!

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