Bill Denbrough X Reader

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Bill's POV:

The Losers' were all hanging out around the Barrens. I was listening to Eddie talk about his medication and his mom.

"Oh, stop it Richie," a familiar voice giggled from behind me.

I turned around, ignoring Eddie's pointless babbling about his 'Gazebos'.

Y/N stood there with her H/C hair tied up in a messy braid. Richie stood in front of her, smiling stupidly as he flirted with her endlessly.

I stared for a while, processing exactly what was going on. Then it came to me.

I clenched my fists. Richie knows I like her. He's doing this on purpose. He's doing it to make me jealous.

I glared as Y/N playfully and lightly shoved his shoulder. Why doesn't she ever do that to me? I thought angrily.

"Has anyone told you that your eyes are just unbelievably beautiful?" Richie asked with a smirk. Y/N shook her head.

I took this as my chance. I strode over to where they were standing and slung an arm around Y/N's shoulder.

"Y-your eyes are u-u-unbelievably b-beautiful," I managed to choke out.

Y/N looked confused, "Um, what?" She asked.

"I... Uh- Your eyes... I-I just g-get lost in them a-all o-of the t-time." I stutter, keeping my eyes locked onto her's.

"They're s-such a-an amazing sh-shade of E/C..." Was I going to far? I could see Richie with his arms crossed out of the corner of my eye.

"Thanks?" She tilted her head to the side slightly.

Oh no. I thought nervously. I screwed up. Why did I even try?

I wanted to punch myself in the face. Then I wanted to punch Richie in the face. Then I wanted to punch myself in the face again.

"Um... Yea... Okay then," Richie said awkwardly, taking Y/N's hand. "Let's go somewhere else," he said as he pulled her away from me.

But I wasn't going to let her go that easily.

I grabbed her wrist, not too tightly, but tight enough to keep Richie from taking her away.

"Bill?" She turned to me and gave me a half-concerned, half-shocked glance.

I gulped nervously, Oh, God, what do I say? My thoughts pounded through my mind as she continued to stare at me.

"Y/N..." I started, looking deep into her sparkling E/C orbs. "I... Um... P-please don't go w-with h-him."

Richie shot me a look, but I ignored him, keeping my eyes locked on Y/N's.

"What do you mean? Why not?" She questioned while slowly pulling her hand out of Richie's hold.

I released her wrist once Richie took a few steps backward. "I-I want y-you to s-stay with me." I let these new words flow freely out of my mouth.

"Why?" She asked, tilting her head to the side.

She is NOT making this easy on me...

"B-because..." I sighed, "I k-kinda like y-you Y/N..." I whispered.

"Oh..." She blushed and looked down.

Oh? I was about to walk away when she spoke...

"Um... Richie, do you mind?" She asked sweetly. Richie shrugged simply and walked off, leaving me and Y/N all alone.

"I... I like you too Billy," she smiled and took a step forward.

"Y-you do?" I turned a bright pink. She giggled. Her giggles make me melt. She ruffled my messy hair and wrapped her arms around my neck.

"Are you gonna kiss me or what?" She asked with a 'duh' look on her face.

I took this sudden opportunity to place my lips gently against her's. Our lips moved in sync. My hands slowly made their way up to her pink tinted cheeks. 

It lasted for a while, the other guys had started to look at some point. But I didn't care. All that I cared about was having Y/N wrapped securely in my arms and out of reach of Trashmouth.

A/N: This is LONG overdue, but I seriously need to put more work into this book. Especially after all the support you all give to me! Over 1k reads?! Kjhgfdslghj! I am currently thinking about doing a Children of Eden: Lachlan x Reader fan fiction, because I literally just finished Children of Eden today and I felt such a strong connection to this wonderful character. So anyways! That's all I have for you right now! Until Next time! Bye Divas!

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