Chp-37 Intimidating Instigation To A Bloodshed Battle

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Day Of the 'Marriage'...

Amaani's P.O.V

A yawn escapes my mouth as I have been woken up early for my hair to be done and makeup. Oh for goodness sake, I hate this so much!

"Could you close your eyes, your majesty? We need to apply Kajal." One of the many maids ask. Reluctantly I do so.

Jayanti or Vimal's misunderstood mother, began talking to me a lot more. She would visit me whenever Vimal was gone out or busy with his royal duties. Once you get to know her true self, she is a lovely woman. I felt bad for her.

For the last two days we have managed to discuss a lot. She knows about the necessary parts of my plan, I haven't told her everything in case she does back stab us in the last minute; you know it is still her son.

Ooh! Right, Arjun will be arriving soon with Jayanti. She told me about her tearful encounter with Arjun. Surprisingly she actually seems to feel guilty and saddened. I'm glad they are starting to get along.

"Okay done your majesty, open your eyes." I do so and look in the mirror pane. Dark substance lines my eyes beautifully enhancing them greatly.

"Thank you. What's next?" I enquire.

"Your hair needs to be done." Nodding, I begin to take out my hair; it was washed well yesterday with a variety of floral herbs and such things making it smell divine and become soft.

"We recommend possibly leaving the hair out, you look even more beautiful without it in a plait." One of the older maids suggests and I shake my head disagreeing.

"No, no. I really don't want that, I agree it's beautiful but my hair is very long and curly it is going to get tangled. Also I prefer my hair to be tied up please, that's the least you all can do for a woman in my position." I finish off frowning and with a little guilt-tripping. They all tilt their heads in sympathy and then nod.

"Of course, sorry your majesty. Then in this case we will add many jasmine flowers to your hair." Sighing I nod.

Okay, that's better. Having my hair free will get it caught on many things and is generally troublesome for fighting situations, especially knowing today. For the next half hour or so, they braid my hair intricately adding bundles of jasmine flowers. The amazing smell climbs up nose and I smile in content.

Next they apply some deep, dark coloured lip paint on my lips followed by me being brought to the dressing room and wrapping the sari that Vimal chose for me. Oh dear lord..the low back of the sari is incredibly uncomfortable. Also the folds of the sari make it really hard to move or even run. Okay, I think I can barely manage.

Afterwards, they place chains of gold around me my neck, oh goodness these are definitely not practical at all along with these earrings. Right, this may be a slight problem, but I can't do anything suspicious at this present moment.

Suddenly, I hear a gentle voice, "Your majesty, you look beautiful, like a true Queen indeed. W-We are truly sorry for your predicament."

It's one of three of my personal maids. I reply with a smile, "It's okay. I'll manage just fine, hopefully. You don't need to worry for me, I have a feeling something good may happen."

The maids' eyebrows instantly raise in suspicion and I nod slowly giving them the hint. They gasp coming closer.

"Do you have a plan your majesty?"

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