Chp-36 A Shocking Turn Of Events & Talking To Someone Unexpected

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Amaani's P.O.V

Taking a deep breath, I blankly stare at a proudly arrogant Vimal.

"Why so sad my Queen? We are getting married in two days."

I purse my lips together in an attempt not to insult him terribly. I force out, "I did not want this by choice Vimal. It is hard and I have no choice, please understand."

Ha! Like I want this, my acting has been working! He thinks I'm a weakling, pathetic yet still intelligent girl. Just you wait Vimal!

Rolling his eyes, he walk over as he places down his own marriage attire. Vimal takes my hands in his gently and I immediately panic as he is immensely close to me and touching me! Okay, calm Amaani. Refrain from slapping him.

My breathing wavers and I stare away from him, down at my tense hands. His deep voice rings out, "Amaani..What are you up to?.."

I think my heart stopped, oh dear lord. He has found out, I am dead. How on Earth has he-

"You are being so, so So obedient. Where's the old Amaani? The one that used to rebel a little but not too much, no you're getting boring.." His eyes glisten menacingly at me.

Oh thank god, he didn't find out. Yet I think he is suspicious. I reply falsely, "I don't know. I have lost hope." Please believe it.

Vimal's head tilts his head with a smirk on his face leading to a look of anxiousness on my face forming. Oh no, what is he planning?

He cups my cheek comfortingly and my eyes widen. Mockingly he says, "All hope? Aw, how sad. So whatever I ask of you, you'll do?.."

"You'll kill everyone I love if I don't." I hiss.

A dark chuckle escapes his lips and I huff removing myself out of his grimy grip. Ugh.

"Hm.." He openly ponders and I stare at him confused. After a minute, he belts out, "Maids go and return to your other duties, I need to be alone with my to be wife! Leave now! Do not enter till I say!"

Instantly panic courses throughout my body and my breathing falters. My heart pounds a speed unfathomable. What is he doing? Something is very wrong about this situation. Has he found out my plan? Oh god I hope not!

I utter a mental prayer as I see him slam the door locking it. My body begins to fidget and I step back slightly frightened. Oh dear lord, oh dear lord.

"My dear, why so scared of your husband?" Vimal's asks grinning.

I remain silent trembling, don't cry Amaani. Stay strong don't show him weakness. What am I doing?!, I am already trembling, that is weakness! Immediately I straighten myself up and look into his eyes.

His eyebrow raises impressed and he stalks; walking towards me, like a predator to its prey. Please don't let anything bad happen! I have a very bad feeling about this situation.

Suddenly, I am grabbed by my arm and pulled making me smash into his body. His arms wrap around my waist tightly; I struggle as much as I can trying to get out of the perilous vice-like grip he has on me.

"What are you doing?!" I yelp out panicked.

Without reply he stares at me deeply and runs his eyes over all my face. My eyes close in humiliation and absolute dread. No. No. No. As I slowly open my eyes again, I squeal as I see his face is much closer.

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