Part 18

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A couple more weeks went by that Lindsey spent out on the road to finish the last few shows of his current tour while Stevie stayed with her parents. She knew the time had come to go back to her own house and try to live her life again but part of her wanted to wait for another week when Lindsey would be done with his tour. They hadn't really discussed yet what to do next. She didn't want to rush things and move in together immediately, but on the other hand, she asked herself if they hadn't waited long enough by now. They knew each other. They were in love and wanted to start a family. Maybe it was time to finally take this last step and concentrate on their relationship to make it work.

Stevie sighed and stood up, making her way down into the kitchen to have a cup of tea. It was past 2 pm when she entered the room.

"Good morning.", Stevie said, sitting down opposite from her mother who was reading the newspaper.

"I'm sure somewhere out in this world might still be morning, yeah..", Barbara muttered, not looking up from what she had been reading.

Stevie rolled her eyes and took a sip of her tea. Yes, it was definitely time to move back to her own place again.

Barbara looked up, intently eyeing her daughter who was looking out of the window for a moment, then spoke up, "Can I ask you a question?"

"Sure.", Stevie answered with a smile.

"What is going on between you and Lindsey."

Stevie choked on her tea, burning her tongue and throat in the process. She hadn't seen this question coming at all. "Umm, what do you mean?", she asked, trying to regain her composure.

"Oh come on, Stephanie..", Barbara said, giving Stevie a stern look, "It's okay if you don't want to tell me and keep it to yourself but please don't give me this kind of bullshit."

Stevie was stunned for a moment. It was rare that her mother ever used this kind of language but when she did, everybody knew she was being serious about something.

"I guess... I guess we're back together.", Stevie stammered. It was strange to say these words. Speaking it out loud made all of it feel so real. Never had she thought that her and Lindsey would ever become a couple again but here they were.

Barbara grinned in response. It was no secret how much she had always adored Lindsey. She reached out to take her daughter's hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. "Are you happy? I mean, is this what you want?"

Stevie looked at her mother, thinking about her question for a brief moment before she smiled and nodded, "Yes, I am. I am happy. I really think that we can work this time. I mean, as a couple. What he did for me these last few months really showed me how much I mean to him still."

"Are you in love with him?"

"More than ever before.", Stevie admitted, feeling her cheeks flushing as she made this confession.

"I am so happy you two found your way back to each other.", Barbara said, "He has always been the one for you. That man is so in love with you. It's crazy."

Stevie grinned, "I know."

"I guess the baby is his, then, isn't it?"

"What-what baby?", Stevie stammered, slightly caught off-guard. Besides Lindsey, nobody knew about their plans to have a baby, yet. She sure as hell hoped, he had kept his mouth shut, as well. After all, they had agreed on keeping this to themselves until she was for sure pregnant.

Barbara was just about to say something when she saw the puzzled look on her daughter's face. "You don't know, yet?"

"What are you even talking about?", Stevie asked back.

"Your pregnancy, of course."

"My what?!"

The two women stared at each other for a moment. Both of them were completely confused.

"You're pregnant, Stevie.", Barbara said then, taking a sip of her coffee that had gotten cold.

"I'm not.", Stevie was fast to reply, "I mean, not yet.. "

"So, you two were trying then?"

"Are trying, mom. Present tense.", Stevie said. She was getting more irritated by the minute.

"I'm sorry to break it to you, honey, but the trying-part is over.", Barbara said with a chuckle and petted her daughter's left hand before standing up to pour the rest of her coffee down the drain.

"Mom, what the hell are you talking about?", Stevie asked again, turning her head to watch her mother move arond in the kitchen.

"Honey, I know what a pregnant woman looks like. And you, Teedee, are most definitely knocked up.", Barbara said, leaning against the countertop, "You breasts have gotten huge and your eyes and skin are literally glowing."

"I have implants, mom, that's why my tits are huge!"

"When was the last time you had your period?", Barbara asked, ignoring her daughter's comment.

Stevie grew quiet and thought about it for a moment, hardly trying to remember when her last cycle had been. She knew she had had her period once since she had left rehab but that was about two months ago.

"Yeah, that's what I thought..", Barbara muttered when she didn't receive an answer, "I'll go and get you a pregnancy test." 

Stevie watched her mother take the car keys and leave the house to drive to the next drug store.

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