Part 6

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"Hello.", Lindsey said to the female receptionist of the doctor's office that Stevie visited on a regular basis about four hours later, "I'd really like to speak to Dr. Gordon. Could you get him, please?"

After arriving in Phoenix, Lindsey had dragged Stevie into a car, speeding off to visit her psychiatrist who was responsible for her latest heavy drug abuse, having prescribed her Klonopin in the first place. It had cost Lindsey a lot of effort to convince Stevie to get out of the car with him to confront the doctor for his misdeeds.

"Hello. I'm sorry, Mr. ...?"

"Buckingham. Lindsey Buckingham.", he answered quickly, squeezing Stevie's hand who was shaking in his. She was a nervous wreck by now.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Buckingham. Do you have an appointment?"

"No, I don't.", Lindsey said, hardly trying to keep his temper under control, "But my friend here is a patient of his. We really need to see him. Now."

"I'm sorry. Dr. Gordon is seeing a patient, right now. But we can schedule an appointment..-"

"We don't need an appointment.", Lindsey said, his voice rising in anger, "Is this his treatment room?", he asked, now speaking to Stevie who slowly nodded her head, "Good!", Lindsey said and just marched into the room, the young, blonde receptionist yelling after him, but he didn't care.

"Excuse me, please!", the older man said in confusion when two people just barged into his room, "I'm having a session."

An older lady with red hair was lying on a couch next to him, looking up at Lindsey and Stevie with wide eyes.

"I don't care!", Lindsey said, "You and I are going to talk. Now!"


"And you better get going and look for another doctor. This one here," he pointed at Dr. Gordon, "almost killed my friend!"

The lady looked from Lindsey to the other man to her right in panic, then quickly got up to gather her coat and scarf and run out of the door.

"What do you think you are doing?!", Dr. Gordon yelled, "That is called character assassination!"

Lindsey laughed sarcastically, "Character assassination?! The hell it is! You are killing my friend here!", he pulled Stevie a little further into the room but not letting go of her hand, "The pills you prescribed her are slowly killing her. I took one of them last night and collpased on the bathroom floor after vomiting for about fifteen minutes, she takes up to six fucking pills a day!"

"Ms. Nicks is doing just fine. The pills are helping her to not fall back into her cocaine addiction."

"What cocaine addiction, huh?", Lindsey yelled back, "She's been clean for years!"

"Yes, because she takes..-"

"No, because she went to rehab!", Lindsey interrupted the other man, "And guess what?! That is exactly where she's going back to right after this conversation. She's highly addicted to those tranquilizers you prescribed her."

"Ms. Nicks, " Dr. Gordon said, now speaking directly to Stevie, "We both know that is not the truth. We already talked about this,  didn't we?"

Lindsey looked at Stevie who was completely cowed by the other man's words, desperately holding onto Lindsey's hand. He had never seen her that intimidated before. That was not the Stevie he used to know.

"Don't talk to her!", Lindsey yelled, pulling Stevie closer to him, having this strong need to protect her, "You are not going to hurt her anymore! And I can assure you, I just came here for one reason. To tell you, that we are going to sue your ass for damages, you fucking bastard!"

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