It is what it is.

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Harry: Louis?

Read 10:24 P.M.

Harry: Lou?

Read 10:26 P.M.

Harry: You know I see when you open my texts, don't you?

Read 10:34 P.M.

Harry: LEWIS.


Harry: Oh, look, a survivor.

Louis: Don't know what your talking about.

Harry: You're*

Harry: Did you survive your hangover?

Louis: Since you saw me today for rehearsals, I guess you know the answer.

Harry: No, not really. Since you COMPLETELY avoided me all day long.

Louis: Did I?

Louis: I didn't notice.

Harry: Ofc you did!

Harry: And I want to know why!

Louis: No reason.

Harry: Do I seem stupid?

Louis: Shall I answer sincerely?

Harry: ...... Shut up....

Louis: Mouhahahaha

Louis: (That was an evil laugh)

Harry: (I know)

Harry: So, why did you avoid me so much all day?

Harry: And please be honest... I don't want to be mad at you, but I deeply hate when someone's lying to me, and you know that already...

Louis: Yeah I know...

Harry: So what is it?

Louis: It is what it is...?

Harry: I won't take that as an answer..

Louis: Ok, FINE.

Louis: I was ashamed.

Harry: What for?

Louis: Everything?

Louis: Like, texting you drunk. Or like telling you about Hannah. Or like saying all the things I said.

Harry: So... You didn't tell me that only because you were drunk?

Louis: ....

Harry: No?

Louis: No...

Read 10:43 P.M.

Louis: Harry?

Read 10:45 P.M.

Louis: Hazza..?

Read 10:48 P.M.

Louis: Honey please...

Read 10:56 P.M.

Louis: I'm sorry, ok?

Louis: I'm sorry I lied about my breakup with Hannah.

Read 11:01 P.M.

Louis: No, wait. You know what?

Louis: I'm not even sorry.

Read 11:05 P.M.

Louis: I'm not sorry, because thanks to my lies, we got closer. Thanks to my lies, you've held me in your arms. For once, I felt important for someone else. For once, I was being loved. For once, someone was truly here for me. For once, someone was here to support me. For once in a lifetime, I wasn't alone. So no, I'm not sorry at all. I got to know you, and believe me, you're an incredible human being Harry. You're genuinely cute, sweet, funny. You're beautiful in and out. I don't know why I apologized earlier. I'm not sorry that I dumped her for you. Because you're a billion times better than her. You're better than anyone else I know. You're better than words. If I had to dump Hannah to be with you, I'd do it all over again without even blinking. Since I met you, I realised that I didn't know why I was with her. You made her seem so pointless to me, just by being yourself. You're overshadowing everyone else in my life. And I think I like that. So I'm not fucking sorry for lying to you about my breakup with Hannah, if I hadn't lie, we wouldn't be so close today. I like when you hold me in your arms, when I play with your curls. I love when you tell me terrible jokes and I have to pretend it isn't funny when in fact I'm secretly laughing inside. It's all the little things that make us who we are as a "we". I think I start to understand why everyone is so obsessed with this "Larry" thing. They saw right through us even before we did ourselves. They knew that I liked you, before I figured it out. Actually, I don't just like you, Harry. I love you. I hope you'll forgive the lies that got me to open my eyes.

Read 11:59 P.M.


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