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Louis: Haaazszzz?

Louis: Hhhaazzzzz??

Harry: Lou?

Louis: Hhheeeys babayyy!!

Harry: Wait, are you drunk? It's 10pm.. Go home

Louis: How abuot i cime to yuors and fuck youuu??

Harry: Wouldn't want to ruin that straight vibe of yours

Louis: i'm gayyyy four you Hazxy

Harry: Funny.

Louis: Not a jiks!

Harry: Not a what?

Louis: JOKE! Csnt you red??

Harry: We have rehearsals tomorrow, Lou.. Why are you drinking?

Louis: Psrty

Harry: Go home!

Louis: Nooooooiiioiiio

Harry: Louis.

Louis: Yes baby?

Harry Go get some rest? Maybe you can call up Hannah tomorrow and try to win her back?

Louis: Wht wuold I do thst?

Harry: Cause she broke up with you and it's all you complain about..

Louis: No seh didn't?

Harry: What?

Louis: She dudnt berak up with meh

Harry: That's what you told me? Are you two still together?

Louis: Ewwaaa nooo!! I letf her fro you!

Harry: What?

Louis: I lieeekk you!!

Harry: Louis, that's not funny...

Louis: I'm nit jikinf?

Louis: I wsnted to snog yuor fave off 2 yesrs ago for a reson

Louis: Si I left Hannsh for you!

Harry: I'm gonna sleep now... I'll see you tomorrow..

Louis: Byyyyeeeeee!!! Xxxxxx


Soo sorry about all the spelling errors. Idk that's what I imagine someine drunk would text like. It was so painful to type oml! Hope this was alright!


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