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22 March 2016


The vision started of at a motel. It was the same motel Jungkook, J-Hope and I had stayed in before heading for Busan. There were familiar places––the lobby, the corridor and––room 666. In the vision, I could see the little girl and her parents laughing here and there in the room.

"Okay, Hyerin, your dad and I have to leave now. They won't be selling breakfast if we're late."

The little girl, Hyerin, pouted her mouth as she nodded her head. Her parents left the motel room soon after, leaving Hyerin all by herself. She used the time to finish her colouring in a colouring book. After some time, she had the urge to use the bathroom.

Little does she know that there were two strangers on their way up to her room. They had seen Hyerin's parents leaving the motel without any luggages and knew for sure that the luggages were still in their room. Also, seeing the car they were driving, the strangers knew Hyerin's parents were rich. As they watched the new series Mercedes Benz driving out to the road, the two had a plan and that was––to steal.

However, never did they expect to find someone in the room––Hyerin. She immediately let out a loud scream when she left the bathroom, seeing two strangers in her room. One of them dashed towards her, covering her mouth before picking her up and then bringing her into the bathroom. Hyerin kicked the air violently, struggling to get free from the tight grips of the man.

She screamed so hard but all that came out were muffles as the man cupped her mouth. In the bathroom, the other man tried to tape Hyerin's mouth but was having troubles since she was moving so much.

"Let me go!"

"Let me go-"

Right at that moment, the two men had their jaws dropped realising what they have done. One of them, who was holding Hyerin tightly, had accidentally smashed her head on a sink in the midst of holding her down. Blood splattered all over the floor and walls making the bathroom a bloody mess.

"Oh no..."

He placed Hyerin's lifeless body down to the floor to see a very deep indent at the front of her head as blood flowed out from it and down her face. Realising that they had killed her, they started panicking as they did not expect things to turn out this way. However, they still ran off though––without any valuables but guilt on their shoulders.


The little girl, whose name I now know, Hyerin, removed her palm from my head, halting the visions. I immediately looked up to her, my eyes softened as I finally knew what had really happened to her.

"They killed you..." I mumbled, seeing the indent at the front of her head.

She nodded her head.

"I want you to help me," she uttered.

"What do you want help with?" I asked.

"I want to see my mum."

I looked to her, confused. Her mother could be anywhere––how am I suppose to find her?

"Do you know where she is?" I asked.

She nodded before giving a small yet obvious smirk.

"In the hotel room next to yours."

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