You're Undead to Me

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"Oh, I can tell." He responded to her, causing her eyes to widen. She honestly wasn't expecting him to say that. She started to laugh a little bit before she playfully nudged him.

"Matt Donovan!" Lia continued to laugh as a smile lit up her face. "If I remember correctly, the last time we played each other, I won."

"As you said before, you haven't played in a year. You've given me plenty of time to get better." Matt help up his hands in defense for himself before he joined her in her laughter, glancing down at the ground after doing so. "Thank you, Lia."

"For what?" She asked him in utter confusion. It hadn't occurred to her that he would know what she was doing.

"For distracting me." He answered her question, watching as she nodded before leaning against the pool table.

"What are friends for?" She responded with a shrug. She honestly didn't really see distracting him as a big deal, but it was for him. She helped him stop thinking about Stefan and Elena for a few seconds.

Lia stood by one of the cars that some of the cheerleaders were currently washing, snapping pictures with her camera every few seconds as that was her job. She had to get pictures of the event for the yearbook. Unfortunately for her, Caroline Forbes was completely against that fact and wanted her to be washing the cars instead.

"What do you think you're doing?" Caroline Forbes placed a hand on her hip. You could see just how irritated she was with what she considered Lia's slacking off.

"My job?" Lia told her in question form as she was confused how Caroline had forgotten that she wasn't involved in the fundraiser.

"I'm sorry, I must have misheard you. I think you meant to say that you're participating in the car wash." Caroline corrected her before glancing at the layer of clothes she was wearing. "And in case you forgot, it's called sexy suds for a reason."

Her eyes trailed off from the blonde in front of her, finding a boy that was walking up to Elena Gilbert. She slowly waved at him, which clearly irritated Caroline since she was no longer paying attention to her.

"Excuse me." Caroline walked away from her, probably to go scold yet another person that wasn't participating in the event.

Lia huffed as she glanced down at her top that she was wearing. And just to make sure that the Forbes girl would leave her alone, she removed her top, leaving her in just her bathing suit and shorts.

Lia was washing one side of the car as Matt Donovan washed the other. She watched his eyes glance over at Stefan Salvatore and Elena Gilbert for a few seconds too long.

"Hey, if I have to wash cars, so do you." Lia grabbed his attention, trying to help him get over his post-breakup depression yet again. "You forget that I know what stalking looks like."

"I was just observing." Matt attempted to correct her, but she tilted her head in disbelief.

"Mhm." She looked over at someone that had just pulled his car up. "Hey, Bon, can you and Tiki take that one?"

"Why do I always get the homely ones? Just to be clear, your car's a P.O.S. I mean, we can wash it, but it's still a P.O.S." Tiki complained and it honestly shocked the classmates that stood around her.

"You don't have to be rude." Bonnie responded to her as she looked at the boy next to the car apologetically.

"Rude is uglying up the road with that junk." Tiki continued to be so utterly rude to the boy in front of her.

Suddenly the bucket that Tiki was getting ready to use as she washed the car splashed right in her face, causing the students around her to laugh.

"Wet and wild, Tik." Matt laughed as he watched Tiki glare at Bonnie in absolute rage. It was almost as if she was about to have a breakdown.

Amalia walked up to Stefan Salvatore as the car wash was going to end soon. She didn't see Elena by his side, which confused her, to say the least. They were always together.

"Hey, have you seen Elena?" Stefan asked her in concern. Lia saw the scared look on his face. He was absolutely terrified.

"No, sorry. She might've gone home." Lia shrugged in response, not sure what to tell him. She assumed that the brunette went home because she had kind of a long week.

"Thank you. I'll go there and see if I can find her." Stefan tried to walk away from her, but she quickly stopped him.

"Stefan, wait." His eyes met hers once he had turned around. He could tell that she was serious about whatever was going to come out of her mouth next. "She's my best friend. And if she's hesitating to let you in, show her that she can. She's been through a lot this year, and she may not know it yet, but she needs you."

"Thank you."

"Here you go." Matt Donovan pulled up to Lia's house after giving her a ride home. She had showed up to the event with Elena, and the Gilbert girl had left, so Mat graciously volunteered to save the day.

"Thank you... for the ride home." Lia smiled up at the taller boy, though you could barely see a height difference since they were sitting in their seats.

"It's the least I could do. You've been a good friend this week." He responded to her, returning her smile.

"Um, excuse you. I've been a good friend to you my entire life." She responded with sass, per usual. And she earned a laugh from the boy that sat behind the wheel in return. "But seriously, I can't imagine how it feels to see your ex with someone when you're still in love with them. And before you deny that you're still in love with her, you have to pretend. It's not like I'm going to judge you for loving someone. And you're my friend, so I'm helping you. It's not exactly like it's a hardship for me."

"Thanks." He watched as she opened the car door and hopped out of the vehicle. "See you tomorrow."

"Bye." She shut the car door and started to walk back up to her home.

Once she got to the front door, she paused. She quickly looked glanced down at the ground before looking back at the car that she had just gotten out of, finding that he was still there. She smiled to herself before walking back into her house.

This chapter was short, but there aren't too many scenes in this chapter that she could fit into. I mean, it's a very Stelena based episode. And last time I checked, she's not in Stelena. Also, I wasn't about to make her find out about Stefan yet.

I hope you all enjoyed it... xx

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