Ch. 7 - Compliment

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After eating that yummy balut, and Harry looking at me with disgust. And Harry snapping at me. We toured around the place again, I told him my childhood stories and he told me his.

Harry decided that he wanted to know me more so We or rather he decided that we play 21 questions while walking which I just knew right now, I didn't know what 21 questions was until Harry explained it to me.

It turned out to be easy, we'll ask each other questions and you weren't allowed to repeat the question.

"What do you think you'll be doing when you didn't become famous?" I asked him out of curiosity.

He kicked a small rock and shrugged with his hands inside his pocket. "I'll probably be working in a bakery."

I nodded, and bit my lip rubbing my shoulders. "Do you like one direction?" Harry asked, cheekily smiling at me.

He was trying to lighten up the mood, I see.

I snorted. "lol no."

He looked at me in disbelief. "What? Are you serious?"

I laughed and laughed and laughed until my tummy ached. "Oh you are so funny Harry. I didn't know the oh-so-famous Harry was that hilarious." I complimented.

"Is that a compliment or sarcasm?"

I patted his back. "Don't worry babe, it's a compliment."

He threw his fists up in triumphant and did a happy dance.

"Don't flatter yourself too much big boy, that's the only compliment you'll ever get from me." I teased him, flipping my hair at him.

He pushed my hair away from him. "Ew, ew get your hair away from me." He said in a high pitch squeaky voice.

I bursted out laughing. "What was that?"

"What are you talking about Alexis? It's me Harry duh!" He said in a duh tone still using the squeaky voice earlier.

I laughed even more harder and pushed him teasingly. "Stop it Harry!"

He rolled his eyes at me and pretended to check his nails. "Ugh, whatever." He scoffed, trying to imitate those typical girls from the movies.

We told each other jokes, and played 21 questions more while walking home. We got home by exactly 5:30 pm, When we arrived the first thing we pretty sure heard was a girl scream. So we hastily went inside and looked around the place what was wrong. But when my eyes landed on the girl who swoons over Harry styles who was beside me that's when the chaos happened.

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