"Mom and dad's outside," he said.

"Mommy! Daddy!" Essence ran out squealing. It took me by surprise so I jumped.

"Being that she's the only one here it's easy for her to get lonely," he said. "My parents take a couple trips a month. They don't like being gone for too long since she'd be in this big house by herself. Sorry if she's clinging to you. After Mickey...she's tends to get attached fast."

"It's okay," I said honestly. "I've always wanted a little sister."

He smiled at me. "You can have mines if you want," he joked.

"I'm sure my mom wouldn't mind," I smiled.

"Lil nigga I know you saw us pulling in," I heard a deep voice fussed. "Your punk ass could've helped with the damn bags."

Andre smacked his lips. "Nigga you bench three eighty the hell you need my help for?"

"That's beside the point." A very tall man wearing all black came in. He looked very young and so handsome. He was first glaring at Andre but then his eyes fell on me. I immediately got nervous under his gaze. He broke into a smile before walking towards me. "Well, I'm quite sure you're not one of my kids. Who might you be beautiful?"

I blushed hard at his compliment. His beautiful sounded so much like Andre's. "I-I'm Jakayla. P-Pleasure to meet you."

"The pleasure is all mine," he winked.

"Pops, I will kick your ass." Andre came over to me and glared at his father before smacking his hand out of mines. I was still kind of reeling my head around the fact THIS is his father. I mean, he looks really young. Almost like he should be a brother instead of his father.

"You wanna go at me lil' nigga? I'll beat you the fuck up."

"Who the hell is cussing in my damn house?" I heard a woman's voice.

"I the fuck am," his dad fussed back. "Y'all motherfuckers ain't about to gang me in my own damn house. I'll kick all y'all out."

"Who the hell you playing with Henry?" A short woman with salt and pepper hair came into the room. She was pretty plump with a cute face. Aside from the gray hairs, you wouldn't think she'd be that old either. "Get knocked out if you want to." The man grumbled under his breath. The woman finally noticed me and I completely froze up. She had to be Andre's mother.

"Momma!" Andre ran to her.

"Boy you just saw me outside," she rolled her eyes but hugged him nonetheless. She gave me a soft smile. "Hello sweetie. You must be this girl I've been hearing so much about."

I quickly stood up because I didn't want to seem rude to her by staying in my seat. "I-I-It's nice to uh m-m-meet you," I stuttered really badly. When I was young I used to stutter all the time. Now it only happens when I'm nervous or scared. The more anxious I am, the worse I stutter. It's so embarrassing. "I-I-I-I'm a..." Holy shit did I just forget my name?!

"This is Kayla mom," Andre chuckled a bit. "And yes, this is the girl you've been hearing about."

"You are so beautiful," his mother smiled brightly. "You don't have to be nervous baby. I won't hurt you."

"She'll corrupt you first," his dad chuckled. Ms. Jackson elbowed him and he grunted.

"You have such a beautiful shape as well. How old are you?"

"I-I'm twenty t-two."

"And you're stacked like this?! My lord your momma must've been feeding you real good. I always wanted that Coke bottle figure growing up."

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