Lock Down AU

843 16 77

*** Hey, before the story starts, I just want to say I am so sorry! I have been having a bad case of writers block, so if you have any ideas about any one-shots, I'm all ears. Again, so, so, so, so, so, sorry I have neglected you guys. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this, It's set in modern times where the whole Rampion Crew is in high school together. Enjoy! ***

"Hurry Wolf, or we'll be late!" Scarlet and Wolf were running down the halls of the high school, trying not to be late to their gym class, one of the classes they were both good at.

"I know Scarlet, it's not my fault that teacher was mad for you throwing your lunch on Thomas Matthews." Wolf said, keeping pace perfectly with Scarlet.

"Hey, he shouldn't have called me Red." Scarlet grumbled.

Scarlet and Wolf have been best friends since they were four year olds on the playground. They both had interests in almost exactly the same things, they both like physical exercises, sports, cooking, farming, fighting (training), and hanging out together.

They barged into gym class just as they started to explain what they were going to do.

"Today we will be playing Dodge ball, and Ms. Benoit and Mr. Kesley, do have an excuse for being this late?" The gym teacher, Ms. Gough (the name of my old gym teacher), didn't even look up and towards the door to know they were there, she just knew. She was one of those creepy teachers that had the "teacher sense", as students call it.

"Um, no ma'am, we don't." Scarlet said, mentally cringing.

"Well, since this is the third time being ate to my class, you have detention. See me in the office after class, I'll tell you what you'll be doing this time." Ms. Gough said while setting out the dodge balls in the center and splitting us up into two teams.

"Ugh! Yes, ma'am." Wolf and Scarlet said together.

"Okay everyone," Ms. Gough said after splitting everyone up equally, "go change into your gym cloths and then get back here."

Everyone started to rush to the locker rooms, Dodge ball was one of the few games in gym that they actually like to play in school. Wolf and Scarlet were the first ones out of the locker room they were on opposite teams, so they met in the middle. Scarlet was putting her hair up into a messy ponytail and Wolf was watching her, he has a huge crush on her ever since they first met.

He loves her. He loves the way she holds herself, he loves they way she makes him feel better, plus, she is gorgeous to him. With her fiery red hair to match her personality, how she is tall but still around 5 inches shorter than him, all the way to her beautiful green eyes. Everything about her was beautiful to him, and he knows she feels the same way. When they got locked into a room together by their friends, they confessed everything to each other. Ever since then they've been almost inseparable.

"Okay, today, we will be playing the prisoner version of Dodge ball. The smaller section outside the basketball court on the ends, will be the 'prison'. You have to get them out the same way as always, but you have to go to the other teams 'prison'.

The only way to get back into the game, is for a person from your team to throw the ball to you, you have to catch it before it touches the ground, or before the other teams grabs it from the air. Until all of one teams members are out the game will go on. If, by chance, one team wins twice in a row, the loosing team gets to swap any player they want on their team with any player they want on the loosing team.

Alright, get on your sides. And, 3 . . . 2 . . . 1 . . . GO!"

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