Coffee Shop AU

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"I'll have a coffee, two shots, please." Scarelt was taking her order at Starbucks. "That'll be $4.75." The person at the register was not a very happy person, her name tag read 'Pearl'. (Finally some justice! Pearl works at Starbucks 'cause she's broke! 😁)

"Ok, hold on." Scarlet reached into her purse and pulled out the amount to of money, and gave it the cashier. She turned around to and stepped aside when, all of a sudden, someone tripped her and she started to fall. Scarlet closed her eyes and waited for the impact. None came.

When Scarlet opened her eyes she saw a starling pair of emerald green eyes. He had messy, but sexy, brown hair, scars and a ton of muscles. He was in a brown shirt and blue jeans with sneakers. He had her by the waist, and she just now realized that she was gripping his biseps.

"Uh, I'm so sorry. I didn't meant o do that," Scarlet starts to explain while straightening up. She was close enough to the column that she didn't have to worry about anyone coming up behind her, "I wasn't watching where I was going. I apol-" Scarlet was cut off by his lips.

Someone had pushed him from behind and made him come towards her. His lips were warm, firm and made her want to taste.

As if on a timer, their lips started to move in sync. Slowly at first and hesitantly, then when she started to kiss him back, he became less so. Hair grip on her waist tightened and her grip moved from his arms to his chest.

His lips grazed her bottom, requesting access. She granted them access,and his tongue slipped in to thrust and caress hers.

Scarlet started to melt, when she felt something touch her back. That's when Scarlet returned to the world of senses. Scarlet and this man we're still behind the column, Scarlet had her back pressed against it and her finger its made its way into his hair. One of his hands was buried in her mess of red curls, while the other is still on her hip.

"I-Im sorry. I didn't mean to do that. I, uh, that was an accident, I didn't mean to do that." Scarlet became aware that, unconsious,she was leaning towards him again. She couldn't stopped herself. They started kissing, again.

This time it was a bit longer before they separated, her lips being pleasantly mashed all that time.

"So, uh, what's your name?" Scarlet was breathless. So was this handsome man right in front of her. He was tall, that was what she just noticed. He was also well built, strong lines of muscles could be seen through his shirt.

"My name, is Ze'ev Kesley. But my friends call me Wolf." He smiled. It was a beautiful stunning smile that momentarily put her in a daze. She snapped out of it when his lips came back to hers. Scarlet accepted the pressure.

After their little make out session, they sat down and just talked for a while. She learned that 'Wolf', worked at the same place as her. They both worked as a security team for a million dollar company called The Rampion, it was run by a man named Caswell Thorne. Scarlet was assigned to protect him, and apparently so was Wolf. They just didn't see each other because there days didn't normally coincide together, sometimes they did, but when they did, they were in different parts of the building.

After that meeting, they started to go out regularly. Soon enough, they stared to see alot more of each other. Eventually they fell in love, and the rest, as they say, is history.

*** Hey everyone! I hope you like this. It was just stuck in my head and needed to come out, or else id have no more room. Anyway, comment, vote, or follow if you haven't already. And, check my other books on my profile.

Thanks for listening and reading!


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