The Woods

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*** Sorry this is not a part of "Get me outta here" but I just had to write this. Please forgive me.***

Scarlet was trying not to breathe too heavily but, it was hard when you were running from a Lunar Special Op.

"Scarlet! Scarlet, where are? You can't hide or  run forever!"

They sounded close. Too close. She needed to run. Scarlet took off like spooked off fawn and ran as fast as she could. She heard a yelp of surprise then the thundering of his footsteps behind her.

"Scarlet! I almost have you now!" Wolf shouted to her. They were playing a game of tag in the woods by the farm and so far Scarlet didn't seem to be doing half bad.

"No you can't, Ze'ev! This time I'm gonna win!" Scarlet started to increase her speed little by little and soon, she was a good fifty feet in front of Wolf.

Then, out of nowhere a huge bear growls rumbles through the forest and causes Scarlet to stumble and lose her footing. She crashed to the hard ground.

"Scarlet, get away!" She hears those words screamed at her from Wolf and then the sound the bear growls coming from in front of her.

The bear was ten feet tall and bigger than the Wolf Hybrids on Luna.

"Oh my stars!" Scarlet tried to scramble to her feet but the jeans one her right leg were caught under a very heavy rock.

"No no no no no no no no no! This can't be happening!" Scarlet tugged and tugged furiously at her jeans to get them loose.

Suddenly a hand was grabbing the rock her jeans were caught under and freed her pants and leg.

She scrambled to her feet as fast as she can. Then looked at Wolf, who helped get her free. She tugged his hands, "Come on we have to get outta here!"

Scarlet tried to pull him away from the bear, but he just stood there, looking at the bear that was now creeping forward towards them slowly. Very slowly.

"Ze'ev, come on we have to go!"

"If we run it will just charge us and eventually catch us. You. I can't let that happen. Now, run and don't stop until you get to the house," He kissed her on her forehead.

Wolf then took her hands out of hers, fully expecting her to follow his order to go to the house. Scarlet nearly snorted out loud. Fat chance! She was not that easily commanded.

ROAR!  The bear is getting closer and angrier.

"Go!" Wolf yelled.

Scarlet looked at Wolf. He was standing as a shield between her and the bear. Wolf couldn't take on that bear. Scarlet knew this.

"Ze'ev, I can't let you-" Another roar from the bear cut her off. Scarlet was terrified. And not just for herself. For Wolf, too.

But maybe if she- her thoughts were cut short as the bear charged straight for them. Scarlet couldn't hold it back. She screamed as louder than she thought possible.

That was her mistake.

Because Wolf turned and looked back at her to see if she got hurt. That was when the bear reached them.

He stood towering above them by four or five feet easy. He raised his huge paw to hit Wolf when all of a suddenly Scarlet hears a gunshot and the bear falling to the ground with a thud.

That's when she realized that she was the one who shot the bear. Right between the eyes. The bear died instantly.

Wolf looked her over to make sure she was okay and then pulled her into a bear hug. (No pun intended)

Scarlet thankfully returned the hug. They just stood there, over the dead bear's body and held onto each other for what seemed like ever.

When they finally pulled away, they both were thinking the same thing, Let's go home.

When they were finally home. They went upstairs to go get ready for bed. Neither of them wanting to think about how easily that could have ended differently.

When they were finally in bed, Wolf drew Scarlet into his arms. Scarlet didn't resist in the slightest.

She rested her head on his chest and heard the steady beat of his heart. Felt the heat radiating off his body.

When Scarlet was almost asleep, Wolf bent his head and gently pressed a kiss against her lips.

"I love you, Scarlet," He whispered against her lips.

"I love you, too, Ze'ev."

*** Again, I know this is not a "Get me outta here" part, but I just had to write it. It was stuck in my head. So, I wrote it. Hope you like it.***

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