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"Ze'ev! Come back, please!" Scarlet reached for his hand. It was early in the morning and Wolf was getting ready to go downstairs and start breakfast. Scarlet was still tired and wanted him to stay in bed longer.

"Scarlet, you know I have to start  breakfast and feed the chickens."

Scarlet just moved her hold but didn't let go. She now has her arms and hands around his arm to keep him in bed longer.

"Please . . . . " Scar crept closer to Wolf and made puppy eyes at him. She knew he couldn't resist it. And so did Wolf.

"Ohhhhhhhh, "(he groaned because he knew he was not going to win, he could try), "Scarlet, come on. You know I have to feed the chickens." Wolf was now getting desperate. She could make him stay in bed, and he wouldn't object. Why he was doing so now was purely self-preservation.

"Please? I really want you to stay in bed with me. Pretty please? Don't make me beg." She did a pouty lip, he could not resist. "Just this once?"

She ran a finger down his chest, "Five more minutes, then you can go to work?" She was now tracing his bottom lip with her finger tip.

"Fine, but only for five more minutes." He leaned down to give her a quick kiss. Well, it was supposed to be a quick kiss. But, as soon as their lips touched, Scarlet arms moved to circle his neck and pull him closer to her.

Holy Spades! That was all that could get through his mind. It always happens in the mornings. They would kiss and it would knock him straight into tomorrow.

He gave in. Wolf put his hands on her hips to bring her on top of his wide chest. She offered no struggle.

That was how they slept. Scarlet on top of his chest, and Wolf with his arms around her. They slept through the whole day.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

The next day

Yawn! Scarlet woke up and was pleasently surprised to find that she was still on top of Wolf's chest. She thought she would have slipped off. That was when she realized that they had lost a whole day. They had slept through it.

Scarlet tried to get up and off of Wolf's chest without waking him. That didn't work. She had almost forgot that when she wakes up, he wakes up almost immediately wakes up with her. This morning was no exception.

"Mmmmm, Scarlet where you going?" His words were slurred a little from sleeping, but otherwise he was awake.

"I'm getting up to make breakfast and feed the animals. We slept all day yesterday. We need to get up."

Wolf sat up in the bed.

"Right. But after that can we come back to bed?"

"Sure, but after we feed the animals first, got it?" Wolf nodded and got up. Then while Scarlet was changing in the bathroom, while Wolf changes in the bedroom.

After they are done, Scarlet and Wolf go downstairs to start this day. Scar starts on breakfast and Wolf starts to feed the animals.


(Later in the evening)

"Well, we did two days of work in one day. That has got to be a record."

"Can we go to bed now, Scarlet?" Wolf was very tired after two days of work. Scarlet was too, but she still had some energy left to make dinner. Apparently, though, Wolf doesn't want dinner. H wants to go to bed. Well, that was fine with Scarlet.

"Sure. I'm kinda tired, too." Scarlet smiled tiredly at him and took his hand to lead him to the bedroom. He let her.

When hey finally get to the bedroom, Scarlet went to change in the bathroom and Wolf changed in the room. When they were done they got on the b d and cuddled. When it was a half hour later they were entwined in each other's arms, asleep.

But, it wasn't a peaceful sleep, at least not for Scarlet. It was a nightmere.

Wolf looked at her with a feral hunger. "Wolf, please don't do this, please, this isn't you. Stop!" Wolf just kept on creeping closer, under the control of a thuamaturge. Wolf got closer, and closer, and closer. Then he lunged and Scarlet screamed.

"Scarlet, wake up! Scarlet!" Wolf was gently shaking Scarlet to get her awake. Scarlet sat up, sweating and panting. Scarlet eyes were wide with fear. "Ze'ev, are you going to be controlled again?" Her voice shook worse than jello in an earthquake.

"Scarlet, of course I'm not. I never will." Wolf pulled her closer to him and wrapped her up in a special type of security.

She sunk deeper into him embrace, not wanting to let go of him.

She loves him so much. She couldn't stand losing him. He also loves her so much. He couldn't stand losing her either. They protected, loved, and cared for each other.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Thank you all so much for being patient. I think I'm going to do a little mini story in between every two parts of "Get me outta here" . I appreciate every comment, vote, ( Thank you Silverwolf735 you are amazing ) and every view. So thank you all very much.

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