Chapter One: Space Pirate

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"Are those tethers secure?" Gorshek said in interlac, the most widespread intergalactic language, over his ship's PA system

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"Are those tethers secure?" Gorshek said in interlac, the most widespread intergalactic language, over his ship's PA system.

"They're not going anywhere. Engines are busted anyway," Mellko answered.

Vell stood by the airlock, at the rear of a group of vicious space pirates, waiting for the opportunity to slaughter the traders on the other side of the door. They all wore mismatched pieces of armour, painted blood red. Vell was contained within a pressure suit, since the majority of her crew did not breathe oxygen like she did.

Gorshek's voice sounded once more. "Boarding party, get in there and kill everyone. The usual."

"You heard the Captain, let's kill these bastiches!!" Mellko screamed.

The entire chamber of cutthroats roared in agreement, Vell being one of them. She held her plasma rifle at the ready and made sure to stand back. She wasn't a coward, but she wasn't stupid either. The guys at the front were already dead; as soon as the bulkhead opened, they'd get turned to mush. Vell had seen enough action to know that.

As she expected, the airlock hissed, and split apart. In came a rain of laser fire, which instantly caught the fronts of the vanguards. The second row used their corpses as shields, pushing forward and firing back with blind fire.

Vell stepped to the side of the boarding tube, keeping a keen eye on the incoming fire as several of her compatriots did the same. As more and more pirates exited the tube, Vell slowly shuffled to the edge of the door, finally having the room to peek out with her rifle and shoot back.

There were already half a dozen friendly bodies lifeless on the ground, but only a few hostile guards dead. The pirates who managed to get to cover were pinned down by unrelenting fire...

Vell sighted a freighter guard and sent controlled volleys of plasma at his location; even if she didn't hit him, it would lay suppressive fire on him and take the pressure off of her allies.

The guard fully ducked behind the alloy crate he used as cover to hide from Vell's shots, allowing a pirate to make a mad dash forward to another position. He launched an attack from this location, splattering the guard's brains across the wall with a pinpoint shot.

As the chaos locked each hostile behind cover, Vell saw her chance. She bounded out of the boarding tube, sprinted past her fellow pirates and raised the butt of her rifle as she closed in on a guard. She slammed the weapon into his face with a crack, and repeated the action once more with a louder sound.

As he fell, Vell spun the gun back around and swept the immediate vicinity. She popped a handful of shots at the guards she managed to flank, ending them before they realised what had happened.

"Storage bay is clear!" She called.

Mellko answered promptly "Let's sweep the rest of the ship. Like Gorshek said, waste them all."

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