Chapter 1.4

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                I clenched my fists, pumping consciousness back to my heavy body as I lifted it off the ground with my arms, leaning against the wall behind me as I brushed wild black locks of my hair from my face, finding them to be stuck there with dried blood. I must have been out for a while.

Ignoring the pain in my head, I rose to my feet, using the wall for support. I cautiously moved around the hallways, looking for anyone who had stayed behind. There was no one, including Mokuba.

A slow panic began building in my chest as I pulled the guard's phone from my pocket. As I had hoped, it contained information on the whereabouts of Mokuba. It came to me that whoever was responsible for the destruction of Seto's phone, and possibly hurting or capturing him in the process, was the one who did this.

I scrolled through pages of messages and files on the device. It wasn't long before I found proof for my theory, and pinpointed the location where he had been taken. And best of all, I had found the identity of the one person who did all of this.

My instructions from Kaiba when he left had been clear: protect Mokuba. But would simply retrieving him insure his safety, or Seto's? No. Not if I knew he would live to strike again.

Little did he know that by hurting them, this man was messing with a very dangerous person. Neither my anger nor my abilities were what made me dangerous. A dangerous person is someone who, without what they're fighting for, has no reason to live. That person was me.



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