"Hmm. Maybe he has a hot brother." Lia laughed as she thought about the fact that she was in desperate need of a boyfriend.


Caroline Forbes, Bonnie Bennett, Elena Gilbert and Amalia Schultz all sat together at a table at the grill, not even eating the food. They were just talking.

"Well, I was talking to Grams, and she said the comet is a sign of impending doom. The last time it passed over Mystic Falls, there was lots of death. So much blood and carnage, it created a bed of paranormal activity." Bonnie informed them about the comet that was happening soon.

"Yeah, and then you poured Grams another shot and she told you about the aliens. So then what?" Caroline changed the conversation over to Elena and Stefan, the topic she had been dying to talk about with the Gilbert.

"So then nothing." Elena simply shrugged as there was nothing to tell. She and Stefan hadn't done anything with each other yet, which was truly surprising due to the chemistry that you could feel between them whenever they were in a room together.

"You and Stefan talked all night? There was no sloppy first kiss or touchy feely of any kind?" Caroline asked her another question, hoping that maybe she would slip up and give away some important piece of information.

"Nope. We didn't go there." Elena continued to stay consistent with her story, which disappointed the only blonde at the table.

"Not even a handshake? I mean, Elena, we are your friends. Ok? You are supposed to share the smut." Caroline was very persistent to get more information about Stefan and Elena.

"We just talked for hours." Elena responded as if that was completely normal. And for any sane person, it would be. But they were both about 17 years old, so it wasn't that normal for teenagers.

"Ok, what is with the blockage? Just jump his bones already! Ok, it's easy. Boy likes girl, girl likes boy, sex!" Caroline explained her logic to Elena.

"Profound." Elena said before getting up from her seat and grabbing her bag, throwing it on her shoulder.

"Wait. Where are you going?" Lia asked her best friend as she watched her gather all of her stuff.

"Caroline's right. It is easy. If I sit here long enough, I'll end up talking myself out of it instead of doing what I started the day saying what I was going to do."


Lia, Elena and Bonnie had gotten stuck with handing out pamphlets at the event Mystic Falls was having for the comet. With every person that walked by, they had to offer a simple informative trip hold to.

"Tonight, night of the comet! Would you like a program?" Bonnie smiled and gave a few people pamphlets before turning back to look at her friends. "He didn't call, huh?"

"Or text. But I realized we never even exchanged that stuff. We've never gotten to the texting part." Elena explained to her two best friend's as they walked through the town square together.

"That's kind of an important milestone in any relationship." Lia pointed out before handing one of her classmates a pamphlet.

"Isn't it? The timing is wrong, anyway." Elena used the timing as an excuse for why she is giving up on her and Stefan becoming something more.

"When is it ever right?" Bonnie asked her best friend.

"I'm just not ready." She responded, but they both knew that was far from the truth. She was just scared, which was understandable, but not an excuse.

"Who is?" Lia asked, helping Bonnie convince Elena to give it another chance.

"At least I put myself out there." Elena stated as if her relationship with Stefan was already over.

"Is that what you're calling it?" Bonnie Bennett asked the Gilbert.

"What do you mean?" Elena asked her curiously.

"All I'm hearing is reasons why you can't." Lia pointed out. "You're giving up way too easily."


"Hey, I got some candles." Caroline Forbes walked up to the three girls and handed them all a candle of their own before Elena saw Matt Donovan behind the blonde.

The group kept walking (minus Elena), and Amalia stopped herself when she saw the boy that she had met a few nights ago. He was holding a candle, so she lit it for him.

"Mystery guy." She smiled at him. "Do you always just sneak up on people?"

"It happens." He shrugged with a smile across his face, finding comfort in her company.

"And why do I get the feeling that it happens more often than not?" She asked him with a laugh. It was like she had known him head to toe, but that wasn't the case. They had only known each other for a couple weeks at most.

"That's a good question." He responded before his eyes wandered off. She looked behind her to see that he was looking at Matt and Elena.

"Don't worry about that. She likes you." Lia noticed what he was looking at so she decided to reassure him, bringing his attention back over to their conversation. "I'm violating a rule by telling you that, but you should know. And you need to make a move soon, by the way."

"Thank you." He thanked her for sharing that information with him before they were interrupted by the girl that they were talking about.

"Hey." Elena greeted the boy and smiled at her best friend.

"That's my cue." She walked back over to her friends and stood next to Matt Donovan. "Hey."

"Hi." Matt replied, not even attempting to make some sort of small talk.

"Look, I know we haven't really talked since you and Elena broke up, but are you okay?" She asked him.

"Yeah, I'm fine." He answered. "I'm worried about Vicki, but I'm fine."

"Okay, good." She smiled at the boy that she considered to be one of her best friends. "I just wanted to make sure."


Dear Diary,
There's something going on in Mystic Falls, and it's honestly terrifying me. Something feels... different, I should say. People are dying and some are injured. All of which have been named animal attacks. But honestly, something feels off when I'm told that there was another animal attack. It's as if there's a part of me that doesn't believe it's an animal. But I truly have no idea of what it could be other than what they're naming it as. All I know is that Mystic Falls is changing for the worse, and I don't like it.

My plan has been to rewrite my chapters, but there wasn't much I was able to rewrite for this chapter. Plus, I'm a little brain dead. But I hope you all liked it and I think rewriting this book will give me the inspiration I need to continue season one. The only reason I stopped was because I was so bored of writing season one and I'm honestly just ready to get to season two already. But I'm trying, so that's gotta be worth something !

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