Reunited [e]

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Edited by Kappa :P


As I walked out of the kingdom, I was honestly a bit happy to get some rest. I finally get a vacation. Most importantly, I get to visit my friends. Amalia is definitely the first person I want to see. She's always there for me, and has always comforting. This crush I had back then has grown... over the years it's turned into a longing.

I've actually grown quite a bit and I'm excited to show everyone my appearance. My powers have improved- I now only have to visualize a place to make a portal there. On that note, I quickly make a portal to the Sadida kingdom and threw my luggage in. I went in too, only to see an impossible amount of flowers blanketing the green land. I had forgotten how beautiful the Sadida domain was; age only made it that much more stunning. I can feel my eyes shine and my grin widen. 

I hurried past the town's people trying not to draw attention. There was a couple of people who had noticed, however, and started to follow me. I pick up pace, silently panicking. I finally make it to the gate, letting out a sigh of relief.

"State your name and purpose" says a guard, eyeing me with suspicion.

"My name is Yugo, and I'm here to see Princess Amalia." I say, hoping they wouldn't question me further.

"I'm very sorry sir!" The shorter one apologizes; "He is new here. Please forgive his ignorance." he finishes, now kneeling. The other soon follows suit and also apologizes. I chuckle. "It's perfectly fine!" I almost find it amusing how they treat me like I'm not a person, same as them.

I run past the two only to see Amalia's dressers arguing over who knows what.
"Excuse me" I said walking up to them. One of them looked at me shocked, trying to gesture to the other one to look up wordlessly. "Do you know where Amalia is?" I asked.

"Oh my! You've grown so well! Age has really done you well, huh?" Asks Canar, eyeing me up and down. "Ooh, and so muscular too!" Renata agrees as he touches my arm. I gently pull away, and give a slight bow. "I'm sorry to bother, but I'm a bit in a hurry." Secretly, though, I'm quite uncomfortable. "Of course!" Exclaimed Canar, thankfully not noticing my discomfort. "We can bring you to her right now!"

As we walked up to her bedroom, Canar yells, loudly announcing that someone had come to visit. I saw Amalia slowly open the door. Then she walked out, not noticing me. I wait eagerly, just to notice she'd begun to trip over a vine. I run to her before she could hit the floor.

She was in my arms as I swept her up bridal style. There was a moment of silence before she said anything, eyes wide in shock. For a moment, I panic, wondering if she'd been hurt or even didn't recognize me.  She did a double-take before any words could escape. "Yugo!?" She breaks out into a wide and welcoming smile. Her eyes sparkle with excitement, and she hugs me tightly.

"Yes, it me!" I say, smiling. "What are you doing here??" She manages to get out in exuberant disbelief.  "I came to visit because Adamaï thought I was too ill to watch over the kingdom at the moment..." I can feel my cheeks color a bit with shame. 
"That's good, you finally get to get out! Don't worry, I'm sure the council can handle themselves... besides, how long will you be staying?" I notice her cheeks began to color. "Three months" I say, confused as to why she was blushing- until realizing she was still in my arms. Our faces were extremely close, I couldn't help but remind myself.

I put her down quickly,but still had her close. My arms were around her waist, and our chests were touching. She hugs me again and then started to sob. I freaked out not knowing what was wrong.

"Are you okay? Are you hurt?" I panic, gently checking for bruises. "Yeah, I'm fine" She replies, her hands now cupping my face. Taken by the moment, I started to lean in. "Do you think we should leave?" Canar stage-whispers, breaking my trance. 

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