With thudding beats, she walked over to Younus's room and paused before knocking, letting her eyes roam through the corridor before anyone noticed she was there. She had to go in, she knew she would. What if he gets to know of her double-standardness? That thought made it much worse. If only she'd rehearsed this conversation once more, but she'd already rehearsed it a thousand times. Why was she scared when NIB had her back up? It eased her a bit, though not making much difference.

Now that she really got to his door with her hand on the knob, her mouth had gone dry and her heart was beating more forcefully than it usually did. She raised her fist to knock, then lowered it to her side. Could she do this? Then quickly she raised her hand again and pressed her knuckles before her second thoughts got the better of her again.

As soon as she entered, she regretted doing this. He looked up from his glasses sitting low on his nose and nodded, "How are we doing?"

"Fine, thank you."

Biting her lower lip, she shifted her weight on the other foot, waited for the ground to tear open so she could disappear into it. Fidgeting with the paper in her hand, she almost gave it away when she changed her mind. If she had really started to play, after all, she might do an inch of extra from her side to make everything look good.

"Sir, I'm really sorry for what I did that night. I shouldn't have done it." Making a puppy face, she waited, her breath on hold.

He nodded and paused typing, "Right, you shouldn't have."

She peered at his screen and figured he was writing a report about a new money laundering case. "Who do you think had attacked me? Did someone stop me from finding out more?"

He gawked at her and took his spectacles off, dropping them carelessly on the pile of papers covering the table.

She simpered. That was it. She knew she had pushed a bit too far but it was worth the consequences. Quickly regaining her composure, she plastered worry on her face.

"Riya, I had told you not to bother about that murder case anymore. There isn't much evidence we can find and the actual err, or who knows if it did really happen at all? The crime is dated two years back. Why was the victim's partner sleeping until now?"

"I understand that there isn't much to do but my concern has now shifted to the attacker. Don't you think he should be punished for an attempt to kill me?"

She had tested his patience, "I think you should be punished for breaking into my system and robbing off my data. Could you find anything?" He smiled bitterly.

Did he just defend that guy out front who tried strangling me to death? She gritted her teeth, "I was just really curious. I am sorry."

"You better be." He murmured, putting his glasses on again.

She handed him the medical leave and waited further for her doom. He didn't even read the entire note and gestured her to leave, "Get well soon."

"Thank you."

Heaving a sigh of relief, she sprinted to escape the room as if it were on fire! Moutasim has left me nowhere, she sighed again. She had to agree though, fortunately, it turned out to be pretty okay. Now, she only needed to confront him for the crazy things he'd written in the note.

After an hour of sorting mails and printing important paperwork to be filed, an odd message notification beeped in her purse. She hung off the purse from the back of her chair and fetched for her phone. It was switched off. Confused, she slipped her hand into the back pocket and another phone emerged. That's when she remembered that Moutasim had given her another one to be in contact, suspecting that her own was being tapped.

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