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Onika's POV
January 1, 2009

"It won't stay downnnn." Bey pouted as she hung over the toilet after emptying out her stomach. I rubbed her back in soothing circles as she broke down crying.

"I don't get it, I just don't get it." She plopped down, tears welling up in her eyes.

"What's wrong?" I asked looking at her with concern. She shrugged trying to talk through tears.

"I-I don't eat, and w-when I do *hiccups* I throw it up, but- but I'm getting sooooo  FAT!" She yells crying even harder. I look at her but no words came to mind to sooth her emotional distress. I knew pregnant women were emotional but I never knew it started this early in the pregnancy.

"Bey you're not getting fat. You still look the same. You're not even a month yet." I said. Bey's eyes snapped in my direction filled with anger.

"I thought we were cool. Why the FUCK are you lying to me like I'm an idiot! I'm getting fat and I know I am cause every time I step on that damn scale I gain an ounce." She says, her tears are now completely gone and she's burning a hole in my head as she stares at me angrily.

"An ounce bey? Come on now. You're pregnant. You're gonna gain more weight than that, but!" I said before she could speak.

"After you have the baby you'll be back to your usual size, if you exercise of course." I said. Bey sighed deeply.

"I guess, I wanna do aerobics." She said. I nodded.

"Ok. I'll sign you up next week." I said. She frowned.

"Us." She said. I shook my head.

"Girl no, onika don't exercise." I scuffed with a chuckle.

"US!" She yelled catching me off guard.

"Ok ok damn, us, I'll sigh US up next month then." I said hoping she'd forget about it by then.

"I thought you said next week." She said. I mentally rolled my eyes as she put on puppy eyes.

"Fine." I huffed dragging my feet against the floor. I was tired but I remained awake and up at night with bey because she'd always wake me up from either complaining or throwing up.

"Can I sleep now?" I asked.

"Can I sleep with you?" Bey asked.

"No." I said.

"Then no." She shrugged walking past me.

"I'm only saying no because Michael like to sleep naked." I said. Bey shrugged.

"I said I was gay didn't I?" She said looking back at me as she walked in her room, me following not too far behind.

"Yea but it'll just be awkward." I said. Bey shrugs.

"Ok. Then you have to sleep in my room if you want to sleep.

"Why are you so needy all of a sudden?" I asked. Bey turned around so quick I thought she would have gotten dizzy from that 360 spin.

"I'm needy?" She asked. I backed away a little. 

"I didn't mean to say it like that. I was just saying why do you need me to sleep with you." I said trying to correct my mistake.

"Because I'm having YOUR baby and id appreciate if you showed me a little love and affection every now and then Jay!" She yelled with tears filling her eyes once again.

"Jay? Who's jay?" I asked. Her eyes widen and she quickly straightened up.

"Nobody. I don't know a Jay." She said.

"But you just said-

"I said I don't know him!" She yelled. I nodded and decided to just stop talking to try and ease her tension.

"Well, I do know a Jay." She mumbled sitting on her bed. I could tell this wasn't going to be good news from her actions and emotionless face.

"Wanna talk about it?" I asked.

"No I don't think I really want to." She said shyly. I nodded.

"I'll wait until you're ready to tell me or you don't have to tell me at all." I said.

"Well since you keep pushing me to tell you." She said. I looked left and right confused. I clearly just said she didn't have to tell me.

"Bey you don't-

"I said I'll tell you stop begging, jeez. He's my ex." She said. I nodded, not wanting to make her assume anything.

"We were together for 5 years. He stole from me. Not once but twice. I thought after the first time he'd really learned his lesson. But he didn't. Just recently before I met you, my dumbass gave him my PIN number to my bank account and credit card and he wiped my account.  He only left me 87 cent." She said gloomily. I looked down.

"That's messed up." I said. She nodded.

"Yea, and when I finally found out, he had already settled in China, to become a monk I think." She said. I laughed and when she looked at me I shook my head like I was shaming him.

"Well. I hope you learned a lesson." I said. She shrugged.

"Yea, if the next person I date say they want to become a monk, run." She said in all seriousness. I chuckled.

"No, you don't trust anyone that has already done wrong by you. If they hurt you, steal from you, or cheat and say they'll never do it again, they're lying. If they did it once, they'll do it again." I said.

"So you're going to cheat on Michael again?" She asked I choked a bit on my spit.

"Huh? No. I'm loyal." I said.

"But you just said-

"Wow look at the time I think I should be going to bed. *fakes a yawn* I'm tired." I said standing up and quickly rushing out of Bey's room.

"Nicki come backkkkkk!" She whined. I sighed and stopped mid way in the hall way, just inches away from my room, and walked back to Beyonce.

"Yes?" I stuck my head in her doorway.

"Where are you goin? I said you can't leave me." She said. I sighed.

"So I guess I'm sleeping in here tonight." I pouted. She nodded with a smile.

"You can take the floor." She said.

"Oh hell no, you thought bitch you thought!"


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