Arc 23

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Dalzollene ordered for all of you to gather.

"Today we will transfer the boss's things to Yorknew. However, there will be a plan." He crossed his arms. "We cannot get past airport security due to the merchandise, so a small group of elites will transport it by land through the forest. The rest of us will either protect Neon-sama or stay behind at the mansion."

"Now here is the group," Yuno read from her clipboard. "The group that will be transporting the merchandise: Melody, Kurapika, (Y/n), and Taehyung. We leave in a few hours."

You leaned back in your seat, examining the woman that you remembered heard your quiet movements. She was short with pale skin and big eyes, her two front teeth popping out. She wore a loose long-sleeved dress, and a hat to hide the bald spot on her head.

She looked up at you. "I see that you know Kurapika." She gave you a smile.

You glanced at the blonde who was sitting in the passenger seat in the front. "I guess."

"You must be close, no?"

".. Not really."

Her smile stayed, "I see. You seem to understand him though."


"Your heartbeat shows fondness, no, admiration for him. It seems like you want to know him better." She didn't seem like she was bluffing. "But you keep your distance."

The power to read heartbeats, huh?

"And there's something else," Her brows furrowed, "It's such a miserable sound—"

"Sorry, Melody, but that's all I want to hear."

She sighed and shook her head, "No, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have overstepped it." Melody's head shot up, bringing a hand to her ear. "..There's someone coming."

You stood up and looked out the back window, but there was nothing. You rose a brow at Melody but decided to wait for a bit. Not very long after, you could sense a few people who sucked at using Zetsu.

"Well, damn." You looked at her, "You were right."


At the very last minute, you had managed to dodge a knife being thrown at you at full speed from the outside. Just when you thought you were unscathed, you felt a small sting on your cheek.

"Duck!" Taehyung yelled.

Melody and you did as told and put your heads down. You managed to avoid a frenzy of Nen powered blades thanks to Taehyung's warning.

You concealed your presence and slipped out from the back as fast as you could.

"It's an ambush!"

— ♱ ♰ ♱ ♰ ♱ ♰ ♱ ♰ ♱ ♰ ♱ ♰ ♱ ♰ ♱ ♰ ♱ ♰ ♱ ♰ ♱ —

Wowzers. Tomorrow's Thanksgiving. I'll try to update tomorrow, but just in case I can't I'll post two chapters today :)

Chappy Question: 

What are you grateful for?

Love, Kai( ◠‿◠ )

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