Arc 46

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Just a reminder Tae's name is now Kenta. I will edit his name in the rest of the book once I'm done :) 

You kept running, no matter how much your lungs ached for air you forced your legs to keep moving. With every step, you tried to ignore the burning sensation of your heart banging against your rib cage. Every movement you made the heavier your limbs felt, and you could feel your legs threatening to buckle beneath you. But if you stopped now, you knew you wouldn't have the strength to pick yourself up again.

You clawed at the gravel as you pulled yourself over the edge of the cliff, shaky whimpers escaping your lips as you stumbled to your knees.

No, not now... With a deep, unsteady inhale you brought yourself to your feet and continued to run. I can't stop now.

Almost an hour had passed since you revealed your true identity to Kurapika. The minute he found you next to Uvo, you knew that there was no possible way for you to return back to him. The look in his eyes as he watched you point your gun at his chest—it was obvious then that your relationship wasn't salvageable either. It was hard for you to witness him in even more pain, especially since you were the one that inflicted it. But it didn't matter how you perceived what happened, everything you did was for the better.

It has to be.

You stuck to the shadows as you made your way towards the outskirts of the city as previously planned by Chrollo. As much as you deeply regretted hurting the Kurta, you had no other choice but to keep living with your decision.

Every part of your body was aching, a sharp pain enveloping your chest and swallowing your body whole as you pushed yourself forward. There was no time to be consumed by your chaotic emotions, not until you carried out the plan you prepared beforehand. But even so, thoughts of doubt and regret continued to blight your mind.


A voice called, forcing your feet to skid to a stop as you searched for who called you. Confusion momentarily engrossed your mind as you glanced over both of your shoulders. Not many people knew that you had gone with the Kurta to face Uvogin.

"(y/n), it's me," Your head snapped to the side, eyes sliding to the figure emerging from behind the fence marking city limits before you.

Unconsciously, your lips parted in bewilderment and your eyes widened upon laying your gaze on the familiar boy. You scrambled towards him, throwing your arms around his waist as relief washed over you. For the briefest instant, the frenzy of emotions and voices in your head reached a quiet calm as he wrapped his arms around you. At least one good thing had come out of this dreadful night.

"Kenta," You breathed, savoring the sight of a face you trusted. "Where the hell have you been?"

"For someone that rejected me, don't you think you missed me a little too much?" He chuckled.

"You have no idea."

He pulled away momentarily, grey irises brushing over your face as he studied your distraught expression. Kenta raised his brows as he observed the agitated glint in your eyes and the frown on your lips as you glanced up at him, seemingly desperate.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2020 ⏰

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