Arc 25

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Not long after the bandit incident, the sun started to set. Even after making it to the valley, there was no sign of the truck, Tae or Melody. Kurapika and you both decided that it would be better to spend the night in the woods until the sun would rise.

You couldn't help but uncomfortable because of the awkward tension. Kurapika probably didn't even mind—hell, even care. You stared at the small fire he had managed to make, contemplating.

Every time you wondered if you should start a conversation, just once glance at him made you remember everything from last night. It made you realize that it probably wasn't worth the effort. He seemed tired, on top of that he was probably thinking about where to find the others. Maybe it was better to leave things as it was since he was the type of person to like peace and quiet anyway.

You shifted your position so that your knees were pressed against your chest, elbows resting on your knees as you continued to observe the burning embers of the fiery orange flame.

"You can sleep." The sudden sound of his voice almost shocked you. "I'll wake you when we leave."

He didn't look up from the fire, which almost made you wonder if what he said was a figment of your imagination. You stared at him, observing as he sat cross-legged across from you. During the Exam, he seemed to open up a lot more, but now it seemed like everything that you went through never happened. It was as plain as day, that Kurapika wasn't the same person that he was before.

"Good night, Kurapika." You said before leaning against the tree and closing your eyes.

You trailed behind him as he casually strolled through the forest.

"The bandits from yesterday most likely spotted us from the elevated ground," Kurapika explained as he walked. "They can't spot us in the forest, and they probably think we're dead because of the boulder. It's a good opportunity to get the merchandise back."

"What about the others?" You asked.

"They're alive."

You nodded, understanding that it was pointless to oppose. "How long will it take?"

"A day or two."

After that, not a single word was exchanged. It was non-stop trekking through the forest, with the exception of a couple of breaks that lasted three minutes.

But it just had to be hot. So freaking hot. Neither of you had water, and there was no sign of a stream nearby. You took off your sweater a while ago, tying it around your waist since you were sweating too much. Kurapika, however, didn't even take off a single layer of clothing.

Is he not melting to death?!

You suppressed a groan since it would somehow taint the facade you created, to come off as composed, of course. You wondered, however, why were you so self-conscious in the first place. The blonde, you assumed, wasn't the type to criticize your behavior. 

Your feet stopped in their tracks, seeing something glisten not too far away. Your body acted impulsively, bolting towards the shiny figure.

"Water!" Your eyes sparkled and reflected the steady stream of flowing water. Without hesitation, you planted both feet into the stream, taking a sip before splashing it on your face. 

Kurapika was crouched down beside you, taking a sip of water himself.

Why am I staring? It's weird that I am. But I can't stop. He looks so damn angelic just drinking water like that! Is it even possible to look that good just drinking water?! 

Control yourself!

A huge gulp was forced down your throat as you stepped back onto the grass. Quickly, you wiped your mouth, watching Kurapika as subtly as possible. He removed his hand from his mouth before straightening himself.

Was he really this good looking, to begin with? Why is he glowing? Am I dying of heatstroke already?

He glanced at you from the corner of his eye, then upon having eye contact he averted his gaze. Your mouth was slightly agape, and hastily you covered it and turned away from him in embarrassment.

This is bad... The heat's getting to me...

— ♱ ♰ ♱ ♰ ♱ ♰ ♱ ♰ ♱ ♰ ♱ ♰ ♱ ♰ ♱ ♰ ♱ ♰ ♱ ♰ ♱ —

happy Black Friday guys!

Yeah I️ didn't get anything cuz I'm broke lmao—

Chappy Question:
What do you want to get for Black Friday?

Love, Kai( ◠‿◠ )

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