"Our ride is going to be here in ten minutes," Andre said coming up to me. "My parents won't be at the house. They're still in New York on a business trip. My sister should be asleep so we have to be quiet."

"Okay," I said. I quickly texted Tia letting her know I had to go. April didn't text back so I assume her and Shawn were either doing it or asleep.

"You wanted to know why I didn't tell you about my family right?" he asked as we waited.

"Well uh...yeah?"

"I don't want you to think I don't trust you short stuff. I just had to be sure you know? I've lived on both sides of the train tracks. I grew up in tough situations and circumstances. You know about how we were poor for most of my childhood right?" I nodded. "Well when my dad started making a come up in the world I noticed the people around me change. They wanted a lot out of me or treated me like I was a pariah. And when we made the move to leave everyone basically dissed me. I learned then that people didn't want you to come up in the world. The only person who didn't change on me was Shawn."

"When we finally moved I was able to get better education opportunities. But I was an outcast there. I was just some ghetto kid whose family business wasn't worth a lick. Either I had too much money or not enough. Not many people cared about me. Just my net worth. I wasn't going to keep it a secret. I just wanted to make sure it's me you're seeing."

"It is," I whispered. "I'm sorry I made it seem like such a big deal. I wasn't mad or anything. I was just curious you know. But I understand. I know how it feels to have people turn their back on you." He kissed my forehead as a way to make me feel better.

"Our Uber is here." We got our stuff and met with the driver. Andre put the bags in the trunk while I sat in the car. I fell asleep on the way since I was so tired. Before long I was being shaken and it annoyed me. "You wanna stay in the car or you getting out?"

"I'm tired," I whined.

"You'll be able to sleep as soon as we get out." I sighed and did as told. We got the bags and headed inside. "You want a tour?"

"No negro I want a bed," I mumbled. He chuckled and led the way. It was a long walk but we found a room and I hopped on the bed. I climbed under the covers and went straight to sleep. Tired was not even the word to describe how I felt.


I chuckled at Kayla's sleeping form. She wasted no time to fall asleep and wasn't even getting up even if it was close to twelve in the afternoon. But I guess it's my fault. I did give her head for about an hour, taking her to a new level. The fact she had so many orgasms back to back was new to me. If that's her with just my tongue, I can only imagine how she'll be after the dick. I smirked a bit. I surely can't wait to find out.

I walked out of the room and to the kitchen. I saw my little sister Essence leaning on the island while texting on her phone. I smirked as I snuck up behind her. "Who you talking to?" I came up right on her back.

"Ah!" she screamed running from me and dropping her phone as she exited the kitchen. I was dying. She was always so easy to scare and the fact she doesn't give a second thought on just booking it makes everything ten times funnier. "Andre!" she ran back in with a shoe in her hand ready to hit me.

"Come on sis," I laughed running into the living room. "It was just a joke."

"That wasn't funny!" She jumped over the couch and ended up tripping and falling. I was literally rolling around laughing with tears in my eyes. "I hate you," she whined while holding her arm.

"You okay baby sis?" I chuckled once I calmed down. I helped her up and on the couch. She was pouting at me. I couldn't help but laugh again. "That's what you get for trying to be some stunt man."

"I hate you," she mumbled again.

"Oh yeah? Well I guess me and my guest can leave then."

"What?" Her face lit up. "She's really here?! I want to meet her!"

"Damn Essence," I rubbed my ears. "Why you always yelling? Anyways, she's sleeping right-"

"Uh hello?" We both looked up at the entrance and saw Kayla standing there, rubbing her eye looking kind of confused. She looked like a cute little kid.

"What's up babe?"

"I heard yelling and screaming and-"

"Oh my god! Is this her?" My sister got up and rushed to her. Kayla was taken by surprise when Essence jumped on her. "I finally got a sister!"

"Whoa Essence," I chuckled gently peeling her off. "Give Kayla some time to wake up."

"That's her name? Kayla?"

"J-Jakayla," she mumbled nervously.

"I love it!" Essence squealed. "It's so pretty. Just like you. My brother sure knows how to pick em."

"T-Thank you," she mumbled.

"Awe she's shy. Corrupting her is going to be so much fun."

"Chill little one," I chuckled. "Give her some time to warm up to you okay? Babe, you want a tour now?" She nodded her head. I grabbed her hand and began walking around. "So this is my parents' room," I pointed at the opened door. "You'll meet them later on. The gym is right next to them."

"You have a gym in your house?" she looked surprised.

"Yeah. Contrary to what most think my dad's in really good shape and still exercises daily. Essence uses it sometimes too."

"That I do," Essence said. "I have to stay in shape for cheer leading."

"You cheer lead? I've always wanted to do that," Kayla smiled. "But I was way too shy."

"How about I show you some cheer moves? It'll be fun. My room is right next to mom and dad's so just stop by whenever."

"Come on ladies I'm giving a tour here." I showed her the other three bedrooms, dining room, game room where we have air hockey, pool, and a few arcade like games set up, the pool and the guest house. "That's where...our other guests will be."

"You mean...Chris and Josh?"

I rubbed the back of my neck. "Yeah. But you won't see them until Monday or Tuesday."

"Its fine," she smiled a bit. "I'm not worried about them." I smiled and led her back to the room. Essence busied herself by making us a lunch. "Why'd we come so late last night?"

"Because I wanted to surprise my parents. They thought we weren't coming until tomorrow. Plus I didn't want them paying for the tickets and this was the only way I could avoid that."

"Why don't you want them paying for the tickets?"

"I just don't like the idea of someone paying for me when I know I can pay for myself. I know they're my parents but I'd rather support them than the other way around. It may not make sense or whatever but it's how I am."

"I-I think I understand," she said. "I think knowing where you came from is a big factor in it. You lived in poverty most of your childhood and now that you're not you still have that mindset."

I raised my eyebrow. "You've been seeing Dr. Jacobson too long." She giggled at me. I chuckled. "But you're right. I don't like handouts. No matter who it's from. It's just who I am."

"So, if we go on a date-"

"I'm paying. No questions, ifs, ands, or buts about it." She huffed and mumbled under her breath. I chuckled. "Get used to it short stuff. It's who I am."

"Food's ready!"

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