Oh no

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-the next day, in the mall food court-

Iris, Barry, and I decided to take a break from shopping and get food. That's when I heard it. I swear I heard someone say Adeline, but it might just be my imagination. I kept talking to Iris and Barry. 

"So what were those letter about?" asks Iris, taking a sip of her soda. 

"Our schools are having a joint high school reunion," I say quietly while Barry looks at me with wide eyes. 

"Oh, are you guys going to go?" questions Iris. 

"Umm, I really don't think so," Barry replies honestly. 

"Well, you should! I want to hear embarrassing high school stories about you two," Iris laughs and I almost spit out my drink. Then I know for sure I heard someone say Adeline, because Barry looks at me with wide eyes once again and Iris looks at us curiously. Then my vision went red and I was freezing. 

"Karma's a bitch! Isn't it twink," says a familiar voice. I turn around to see Santana Lopez standing over me. I then realized what was on me. It was a red slushy. 

"To spill your drink on someone is one thing, but to not say sorry is just rude. Let's get you home Prim," speaks Iris, glaring at Santana. Barry then stands up next to Iris and I stand up as well.

"Wait up Sebastian, did you finally grow a pair and get a girlfriend. Wait, but aren't you gay?" Santana laughs. Barry, Iris and I were all glaring at her.

"First of all, I don't know who you are, but I'm not anyone named 'Sebastian' and no ew, she's my sister!" Barry says. After Dalton, Barry stopped having feelings for Iris and fell for someone named Marley Rose. You know, she kind of reminds me of another superhero I heard about after I woke up, Supergirl.  

"Huh, that was a waste of a slushy and a year of torment for you to forget who I am," Santana concludes. I was done, I wasn't taking this from Santana. I took a few steps forward and smirked at her as she took a few steps back. 

"How could I forget your snarky, annoying, rude self, Santana," I snarl, "Is that what you wanted to hear. Are you so stuck up that you wanted me to remember you, Sha-Queer-A? Where's your stupid girlfriend and gay face? And really, you had to pour a slushy on me? Real mature," I finish. Iris just stared at me like I grew a second head or something. Barry was just off to the side.

"See you at the reunion Andrew McCarthy and traitor!" Santana spits out as she turns away.

"Say hi to killer for me, Satan!" yells Sebastian laughing as we turn around and start walking towards the car. 

"We're going to that reunion," I tell Barry. I had to prove to these brats that I wasn't taking shit from them. Barry nods his head in agreement. Today was the day the Warblers were meeting at Jitters. Barry put on his Dalton uniform and gelled his hair back and I put on one of my old outfits. 


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